School Year: 2024-2025  /  Number of Courses: 134

Department Overview

Standards, which are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Instruction reinforces core skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics. Course instruction emphasizes career ready practices in communication, ethics, interpersonal/team skills, critical thinking and problem solving, safety, technology, and employability skills.

All CTE courses offered through the North Orange County Occupational Program (NOCROP) program have been assigned a course code number, a major course title or abbreviation, and a three character room number designation which will identify the location of the student's placement. This system has been coordinated with the Anaheim Union High School District's Information Systems Department, and is used by all senior high schools when students are scheduled in selected ROP areas of instruction.










9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This is a concentrator course in the Design, Visual, and Media Arts pathway. Topics include digital camera operations, lighting techniques, aesthetics, Photoshop, Lightroom, and portfolio development. This course will also cover art history topics to include a brief history of photography, contemporary photography, and commercial photographers. Students will explore exposure systems using aperture, shutter speed, and ISO combinations. Digital cameras with adjustable f-stops and shutter speeds, memory cards, and re-writable memory devices (SD cards and flash drives) will be used.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This is a concentrator course in the Design, Visual, and Media Arts pathway. Topics include digital camera operations, lighting techniques, aesthetics, Photoshop, Lightroom, and portfolio development. This course will also cover art history topics to include a brief history of photography, contemporary photography, and commercial photographers. Students will explore exposure systems using aperture, shutter speed, and ISO combinations. Digital cameras with adjustable f-stops and shutter speeds, memory cards, and re-writable memory devices (SD cards and flash drives) will be used.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Game Development (Esports) introduces a foundation to game design and development while teaching students to build games and simulations using Unity, C#, and Blender 3D. This course focuses on industry preparedness. Students will be able to communicate across multiple disciplines and gain an understanding of the different roles, responsibilities, and practices of the gaming industry. Students approach gaming from various aspects such as marketing, business design, event management, and Esports operations. As a capstone, students will create a playable demo for their video game ideas and simulate the process of game development from pitching their game ideas to publishers to creating marketing materials for their finished products.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Game Development (Esports) introduces a foundation to game design and development while teaching students to build games and simulations using Unity, C#, and Blender 3D. This course focuses on industry preparedness. Students will be able to communicate across multiple disciplines and gain an understanding of the different roles, responsibilities, and practices of the gaming industry. Students approach gaming from various aspects such as marketing, business design, event management, and Esports operations. As a capstone, students will create a playable demo for their video game ideas and simulate the process of game development from pitching their game ideas to publishers to creating marketing materials for their finished products.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will participate in and produce television broadcasts. Projects include live broadcasts, commercials, interviews, documentaries, as well as scripting, storyboarding, editing, time and resource management and use of video/audio equipment and software. Comprehensive portfolios of work shall also be produced. The course emphasizes improving students’ communication skills through broadcasting media. This is a CTE concentrator level course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will participate in and produce television broadcasts. Projects include live broadcasts, commercials, interviews, documentaries, as well as scripting, storyboarding, editing, time and resource management and use of video/audio equipment and software. Comprehensive portfolios of work shall also be produced. The course emphasizes improving students’ communication skills through broadcasting media. This is a CTE concentrator level course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Audition or teacher recommendation
UC - "F" Approved

This course explores dance through a professional career lens. Students will experience dance as an expression: and as a vehicle for career exploration, technical mastery, artistic development, rehearsal experience and real-life industry experiences. This course explores a wide variety of careers in the entertainment industry with a strong emphasis in careers in dance. Students will also learn the history and evolution of the entertainment industry. Students will learn the importance of mastering different dance styles in the industry and learn how to apply dance techniques during rehearsals and performance preparation.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Audition or teacher recommendation
UC - "F" Approved

This course explores dance through a professional career lens. Students will experience dance as an expression: and as a vehicle for career exploration, technical mastery, artistic development, rehearsal experience and real-life industry experiences. This course explores a wide variety of careers in the entertainment industry with a strong emphasis in careers in dance. Students will also learn the history and evolution of the entertainment industry. Students will learn the importance of mastering different dance styles in the industry and learn how to apply dance techniques during rehearsals and performance preparation.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: None
UC - "F" Approved

Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those with a basic to general music background who are interested in the creation of electronic/digital music. Students will focus on composition techniques and songwriting skills while learning elements of computer-based music and digital editing.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: None
UC - "F" Approved

Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those with a basic to general music background who are interested in the creation of electronic/digital music. Students will focus on composition techniques and songwriting skills while learning elements of computer-based music and digital editing.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the first in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 1 course focuses on career exploration. Students will be actively involved in group and individual projects that help them to discover and examine the job options available as well as the training needed to pursue a career in their major focused field of interest. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the first in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 1 course focuses on career exploration. Students will be actively involved in group and individual projects that help them to discover and examine the job options available as well as the training needed to pursue a career in their major focused field of interest. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Accounting Principles 1 introduces students to the concepts and theory of accounting in the double entry accounting system. It provides a strong foundation of the basic accounting principles and applications for students entering college and majoring in Accounting or Business Administration. Students are required to think critically and problem solve as they analyze transactions, complete steps in the accounting cycle and correct errors. Students will learn the accounting practices for both a proprietorship and partnerships in the service and merchandising business. Accounting 1 teaches the accounting cycle including analyzing business transactions using journals, ledgers, worksheets, financial statement preparation and interpretation, payroll procedures, banking and the petty cash system. Accounting software used in industry, such as QuickBooks and Excel will be used to introduce and train students in current accounting practices.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Accounting Principles 1 introduces students to the concepts and theory of accounting in the double entry accounting system. It provides a strong foundation of the basic accounting principles and applications for students entering college and majoring in Accounting or Business Administration. Students are required to think critically and problem solve as they analyze transactions, complete steps in the accounting cycle and correct errors. Students will learn the accounting practices for both a proprietorship and partnerships in the service and merchandising business. Accounting 1 teaches the accounting cycle including analyzing business transactions using journals, ledgers, worksheets, financial statement preparation and interpretation, payroll procedures, banking and the petty cash system. Accounting software used in industry, such as QuickBooks and Excel will be used to introduce and train students in current accounting practices.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "D" Approved

This course develops student preparedness in 21st Century sustainability career fields. Students conduct a series of hands-on projects related to climate, sustainability, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and more. Students will solve sustainability challenges using industry tools, giving technical skills that can provide opportunities for success in the future. Students will conduct energy audits, create renewable energy circuits, and create energy proposals. Students will then try to impact their community through leading with decision makers and putting forth action plans to make the community a more sustainable place. This course and The Energy and the Environmental Design courses be taught in a course series to meet all of the Energy and Power Technology Pathway standards.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "D" Approved

This course develops student preparedness in 21st Century sustainability career fields. Students conduct a series of hands-on projects related to climate, sustainability, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and more. Students will solve sustainability challenges using industry tools, giving technical skills that can provide opportunities for success in the future. Students will conduct energy audits, create renewable energy circuits, and create energy proposals. Students will then try to impact their community through leading with decision makers and putting forth action plans to make the community a more sustainable place. This course and The Energy and the Environmental Design courses be taught in a course series to meet all of the Energy and Power Technology Pathway standards.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

The purpose of this course is to provide students with introductory skills in engineering design, electronics and programming. This course meets the "G" requirement for UC A-G.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

The purpose of this course is to provide students with introductory skills in engineering design, electronics and programming. This course meets the "G" requirement for UC A-G.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of safety/sanitation, food preparation, and nutrition. Students demonstrate the appropriate use and selection of basic ingredients and equipment. Decision making, consumer education and career opportunities will be emphasized. This is a CTE concentration level course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of safety/sanitation, food preparation, and nutrition. Students demonstrate the appropriate use and selection of basic ingredients and equipment. Decision making, consumer education and career opportunities will be emphasized. This is a CTE concentration level course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Literacy is a hands-on curriculum that builds a strong cyber foundation for high school students. The course introduces students to cyber by blending robotics, programming, electricity, and elements of liberal arts. Students learn about the opportunities, threats, responsibilities, and legal constraints associated with operating in cyberspace. Throughout the course, students learn the basics of electricity, programming, and networking as well as develop critical thinking skills. Cyber Literacy lays a foundation for further exploration into STEM and cyber-related topics.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Literacy is a hands-on curriculum that builds a strong cyber foundation for high school students. The course introduces students to cyber by blending robotics, programming, electricity, and elements of liberal arts. Students learn about the opportunities, threats, responsibilities, and legal constraints associated with operating in cyberspace. Throughout the course, students learn the basics of electricity, programming, and networking as well as develop critical thinking skills. Cyber Literacy lays a foundation for further exploration into STEM and cyber-related topics.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the CS world. This course assumes no prior knowledge of computers. The course will start by building a strong foundation with variables, operations, style, abstraction, functions, loops and conditionals. It will then transition to designing and testing algorithms, information processing, data types, control structures, modules, recursion, arrays, strings, packages, classes, objects, graphics, and databases. Various sets of collaborative assignments will be used along with many opportunities to work individually. The course will include diverse sets of projects, quizzes, tests, links, digital environments, presentations and communication methods. Students will explore code in various ways by reading, making predictions, investigating, debugging, and writing code all throughout the course. Students will use incremental and iterative processes as they write code.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the CS world. This course assumes no prior knowledge of computers. The course will start by building a strong foundation with variables, operations, style, abstraction, functions, loops and conditionals. It will then transition to designing and testing algorithms, information processing, data types, control structures, modules, recursion, arrays, strings, packages, classes, objects, graphics, and databases. Various sets of collaborative assignments will be used along with many opportunities to work individually. The course will include diverse sets of projects, quizzes, tests, links, digital environments, presentations and communication methods. Students will explore code in various ways by reading, making predictions, investigating, debugging, and writing code all throughout the course. Students will use incremental and iterative processes as they write code.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science, Honors, engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the CS world. This course assumes no prior knowledge of computers. The course will start by building a strong foundation with variables, operations, style, abstraction, functions, loops and conditionals. It will then transition to designing and testing algorithms, information processing, data types, control structures, modules, recursion, arrays, strings, packages, classes, objects, graphics, and databases. Various sets of collaborative assignments will be used along with many opportunities to work individually. The course will include diverse sets of projects, quizzes, tests, links, digital environments, presentations and communication methods. Students will explore code in various ways by reading, making predictions, investigating, debugging, and writing code all throughout the course. Students will use incremental and iterative processes as they write code. This course will include a culminating project where students create a computer game based on the board game Battleship.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science, Honors, engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the CS world. This course assumes no prior knowledge of computers. The course will start by building a strong foundation with variables, operations, style, abstraction, functions, loops and conditionals. It will then transition to designing and testing algorithms, information processing, data types, control structures, modules, recursion, arrays, strings, packages, classes, objects, graphics, and databases. Various sets of collaborative assignments will be used along with many opportunities to work individually. The course will include diverse sets of projects, quizzes, tests, links, digital environments, presentations and communication methods. Students will explore code in various ways by reading, making predictions, investigating, debugging, and writing code all throughout the course. Students will use incremental and iterative processes as they write code. This course will include a culminating project where students create a computer game based on the board game Battleship.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Students will engage in interdisciplinary learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through a hands-on Project Based Approach. Students will receive introductory level exploratory instruction on topics including proper use of hand tools, machinery tools, print reading, robotics, pneumatics, electrical control, basic concepts of mechanical and electrical engineering, designing and creating models using a CNC machine and Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and real world applications of classroom concepts. Acquiring of knowledge will be demonstrated through a series of projects starting with research and initial design and culminating with the completion of a build project that is geared toward solving real-world problems.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Students will engage in interdisciplinary learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through a hands-on Project Based Approach. Students will receive introductory level exploratory instruction on topics including proper use of hand tools, machinery tools, print reading, robotics, pneumatics, electrical control, basic concepts of mechanical and electrical engineering, designing and creating models using a CNC machine and Computer-Aided Design (CAD), and real world applications of classroom concepts. Acquiring of knowledge will be demonstrated through a series of projects starting with research and initial design and culminating with the completion of a build project that is geared toward solving real-world problems.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Fabrication 1 will engage in learning experiences that require organized problem solving and creative thinking. Emphasis will be on developing the student’s ability to apply advanced fabrication skills to creating physical prototypes. During the completion of projects and supportive skill lessons, students will learn prototype building using a range of tools. Examples may include but not limited to basic hand tools, power tools, digital computer aided manufacturing tools and basic electrical tools. The course will be structured into units centered around design challenges, each designed to require students to learn and apply different elements of fabrication practice.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Fabrication 1 will engage in learning experiences that require organized problem solving and creative thinking. Emphasis will be on developing the student’s ability to apply advanced fabrication skills to creating physical prototypes. During the completion of projects and supportive skill lessons, students will learn prototype building using a range of tools. Examples may include but not limited to basic hand tools, power tools, digital computer aided manufacturing tools and basic electrical tools. The course will be structured into units centered around design challenges, each designed to require students to learn and apply different elements of fabrication practice.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Business and Marketing is a business course which provides a basic introduction to the scope and importance of marketing in the global economy. This course is based upon the Marketing Education Framework which includes business, management, and entrepreneurship; communication and interpersonal skills; economics; and professional development foundations. Emphasis will be placed on both oral and written communications, mathematical applications, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills, as they relate to distribution, financing, marketing-information management, pricing, product/service management, promotion, entrepreneurship, and selling. This course is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Business and Marketing is a business course which provides a basic introduction to the scope and importance of marketing in the global economy. This course is based upon the Marketing Education Framework which includes business, management, and entrepreneurship; communication and interpersonal skills; economics; and professional development foundations. Emphasis will be placed on both oral and written communications, mathematical applications, problem-solving, and critical-thinking skills, as they relate to distribution, financing, marketing-information management, pricing, product/service management, promotion, entrepreneurship, and selling. This course is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
It replaces the previous BST (0706) courses as of 2018-19.
UC - "G" Approved

The purpose of the Careers, Finance, and Technology class is to assist students in creating a college, career, and life plan for success as they learn critical financial and digital literacy skills. Following the creation of a life plan, students will explore various careers and post-secondary education and training aligned with their career choice. Students will also learn financial literacy as they create a personal budget based on the average salary of their chosen career. In addition, students will explore the Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways available at their school and learn to use technology to support lifelong learning as well as college and career success. Digital literacy skills are embedded throughout the course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: An agreement between the employer, school, parent, and student. Recommendation of the work experience teacher coordinator is required.
UC - "G" Approved

The Work Experience and Career Readiness course is designed to prepare students for their future careers while gaining school credit for employment. Students will learn the skills needed to engage in a meaningful career journey, including identifying their voice and purpose, resume and cover letter preparation, reflection and development of 21st Century and Technical Skills, building a professional network, and more. Students will complete reflections and other assignments based on their current employment to internalize transferrable career skills. Students will earn 1 credit for each twenty-five hours of paid employment, up to 10 credits per semester, and up to 40 total credits.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: An agreement between the employer, school, parent, and student. Recommendation of the work experience teacher coordinator is required.
UC - "G" Approved

The Work Experience and Career Readiness course is designed to prepare students for their future careers while gaining school credit for employment. Students will learn the skills needed to engage in a meaningful career journey, including identifying their voice and purpose, resume and cover letter preparation, reflection and development of 21st Century and Technical Skills, building a professional network, and more. Students will complete reflections and other assignments based on their current employment to internalize transferrable career skills. Students will earn 1 credit for each twenty-five hours of paid employment, up to 10 credits per semester, and up to 40 total credits.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
It replaces the previous BST (0706) courses as of 2018-19.
UC - "G" Approved

The purpose of the Careers, Finance, and Technology class is to assist students in creating a college, career, and life plan for success as they learn critical financial and digital literacy skills. Following the creation of a life plan, students will explore various careers and post-secondary education and training aligned with their career choice. Students will also learn financial literacy as they create a personal budget based on the average salary of their chosen career. In addition, students will explore the Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways available at their school and learn to use technology to support lifelong learning as well as college and career success. Digital literacy skills are embedded throughout the course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
It replaces the previous BST (0706) courses as of 2018-19. Recommended: Enrollment in the Cybersecurity Pathway at Magnolia High School.
UC - "G" Approved

Through the lens of Cyber Security, the purpose of the Careers, Finance, and Technology class is to assist students in creating a college, career, and life plan for success as they learn critical financial and digital literacy skills. Following the creation of a life plan, students will explore various careers and post-secondary education and training aligned with their career choice. Students will also learn financial literacy as they create a personal budget based on the average salary of their chosen career. In addition, students will explore the Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways available at their school and learn to use technology to support lifelong learning as well as college and career success. Digital literacy skills are embedded throughout the course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
For use at Kennedy High School Only
UC - "G" Approved

Through the lens of Artificial Intelligence, the purpose of the Careers, Finance, and Technology class is to assist students in creating a college, career, and life plan for success as they learn critical financial and digital literacy skills. Following the creation of a life plan, students will explore various careers and post-secondary education and training aligned with their career choice. Students will also learn financial literacy as they create a personal budget based on the average salary of their chosen career. In addition, students will explore the Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways available at their school and learn to use technology to support lifelong learning as well as college and career success. Digital literacy skills are embedded throughout the course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Graphic Communications or Digital Animation course.
UC - "F" Approved

Digital 3-D Modeling and Animation is a CTE course encompassing both technical and theoretical facets of the three dimensional (3D) animation process. 3D Animation is for students who are interested in the various concepts and possibilities of 3D Animation as it relates to the visual arts, game design, being a creative communication/language medium, business and career concepts and the potential as a career. Students develop the necessary conceptual understanding and skills to create, analyze, and appreciate professional level 3D modeling and animation in the digital arts. This class covers the 3D animation process, professionally referred to as the animation pipeline, from concept design to final rendering, while at the same time focusing on a comprehensive understanding of the theory and history of animation these technical skills are based on. Students will be instructed on how to plot, script, storyboard, present and create animated projects using various modeling and animation techniques within a variety of professional software (such as Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects). Storyboards, mechanics of motion, camera techniques, 3D Animation, modeling, texturing and advance rendering techniques will be an integral part of the course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Graphic Communications or Digital Animation course.
UC - "F" Approved

Digital 3-D Modeling and Animation is a CTE course encompassing both technical and theoretical facets of the three dimensional (3D) animation process. 3D Animation is for students who are interested in the various concepts and possibilities of 3D Animation as it relates to the visual arts, game design, being a creative communication/language medium, business and career concepts and the potential as a career. Students develop the necessary conceptual understanding and skills to create, analyze, and appreciate professional level 3D modeling and animation in the digital arts. This class covers the 3D animation process, professionally referred to as the animation pipeline, from concept design to final rendering, while at the same time focusing on a comprehensive understanding of the theory and history of animation these technical skills are based on. Students will be instructed on how to plot, script, storyboard, present and create animated projects using various modeling and animation techniques within a variety of professional software (such as Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects). Storyboards, mechanics of motion, camera techniques, 3D Animation, modeling, texturing and advance rendering techniques will be an integral part of the course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: Graphic Communications or Commercial Photography 1 should be taken prior to this course for CTE Pathway completion.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Commercial Photography is an intermediate level course which builds on the fundamentals mastered in Commercial Photography 1, and explores the use of technology, lighting, editing, deeper exploration in photo history and the art of photography. Advanced Commercial Photography is a classroom based course which will give the student an extensive overview of the intermediate principles of photography, as well as the equipment used. The student will express themselves through photography by completing various assignments in a challenging and creative atmosphere. The student will acquire an appreciation of the contributions of photography to modern society. Students will develop a lifelong interest in photography, as well as develop a professional portfolio of work that reflects knowledge of job acquisition skills and employer expectations for retaining a job.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: Graphic Communications or Commercial Photography 1 should be taken prior to this course for CTE Pathway completion.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Commercial Photography is an intermediate level course which builds on the fundamentals mastered in Commercial Photography 1, and explores the use of technology, lighting, editing, deeper exploration in photo history and the art of photography. Advanced Commercial Photography is a classroom based course which will give the student an extensive overview of the intermediate principles of photography, as well as the equipment used. The student will express themselves through photography by completing various assignments in a challenging and creative atmosphere. The student will acquire an appreciation of the contributions of photography to modern society. Students will develop a lifelong interest in photography, as well as develop a professional portfolio of work that reflects knowledge of job acquisition skills and employer expectations for retaining a job.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Broadcast Media.
UC - "G" Approved

In this course, students will lead the broadcast and production of live events at their school (aside from traditional school announcements) including sports, special events and performances. Students will learn about the wide range of camera, audio, networking systems, switchers and other gear that allow for multi- camera productions. Production and promotion of events will also be part of the experience with this course. Students will also learn the basics of being a sportscaster or announcer who reports on events in real time by providing running commentary as a play-by-play announcer or color commentator/analyst. Due to the intense competition for entering the broadcasting business, hands-on training and experience is crucial. This course will provide the skills and understanding students need to have an advantage in this highly competitive career path.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Broadcast Media.
UC - "G" Approved

In this course, students will lead the broadcast and production of live events at their school (aside from traditional school announcements) including sports, special events and performances. Students will learn about the wide range of camera, audio, networking systems, switchers and other gear that allow for multi- camera productions. Production and promotion of events will also be part of the experience with this course. Students will also learn the basics of being a sportscaster or announcer who reports on events in real time by providing running commentary as a play-by-play announcer or color commentator/analyst. Due to the intense competition for entering the broadcasting business, hands-on training and experience is crucial. This course will provide the skills and understanding students need to have an advantage in this highly competitive career path.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Dance Production (CTE), audition or teacher recommendation.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Dance Production is designed for the experienced dancer to apply choreographic skill and performance experience to create, produce, and mount a full-scale theatrical dance production for public performance. This course includes instruction on stage makeup techniques, costume construction, lighting design, stagecraft, advertising, budget development, and front of the house management. Students have the opportunity to perform, direct, create props and set pieces, design costumes, and manage the business of a full scale dance production in the fall semester. In the spring semester, students will choreograph a full length production, including responsibility for organization of the rehearsal process and carrying out the artistic vision of the director while mounting the production. This is a capstone course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Dance Production (CTE), audition or teacher recommendation.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will explore ways in which entertainment careers will evolve in the future and develop a personal career/life plan while learning valuable foundation skills that will benefit them throughout their school and working life. This course will allow students to gain experience by working along-side current industry professionals. This course is designed for the experienced dancer to apply choreographic skill and performance experience to create, produce, and mount a full-scale theatrical dance production for public performance. Students will choreograph a full-length production, including responsibility for organization of the rehearsal process and carrying out the artistic vision of the director while mounting the production. This is a capstone course.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the second in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 2 course focus is on resume/portfolio building and audition preparation to support student career goals as developed in PA Academy 1. Important aspect of this level will include mentoring, internships and job shadowing with college level and working professionals to build skills, experience and contacts. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the second in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 2 course focus is on resume/portfolio building and audition preparation to support student career goals as developed in PA Academy 1. Important aspect of this level will include mentoring, internships and job shadowing with college level and working professionals to build skills, experience and contacts. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Digital Music Production.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those students who completed Digital Music Production and who want to further their knowledge of and experience with creating, recording and producing music digitally. The class will also focus on producing live musical performances for an authentic audience of their peers on campus throughout the year. A special emphasis on a career and post secondary education path development is also a major component of this capstone course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Digital Music Production.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those students who completed Digital Music Production and who want to further their knowledge of and experience with creating, recording and producing music digitally. The class will also focus on producing live musical performances for an authentic audience of their peers on campus throughout the year. A special emphasis on a career and post secondary education path development is also a major component of this capstone course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

This course explores the foundations and fundamentals of Accounting II for a merchandise business organized as a corporation. This course is designed based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Students will develop and maintain general accounting systems using manual as well as online working papers, automated accounting and computer programs with emphasis on the accounting cycle transaction analysis, preparation of journals, ledgers, financial statements and reports.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

This course explores the foundations and fundamentals of Accounting II for a merchandise business organized as a corporation. This course is designed based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Students will develop and maintain general accounting systems using manual as well as online working papers, automated accounting and computer programs with emphasis on the accounting cycle transaction analysis, preparation of journals, ledgers, financial statements and reports.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

The objective of this course is to build on the skills developed within the Engineering 1 course with students taking on more personal responsibility for project development and management. Skills developed during the year 1 course will be broadened and deepened. Student learning outcomes are intended to include: coding experience (i.e. c++ and/or python), CAD experience (with potential for industry certification), project management experience and product design experience.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

The objective of this course is to build on the skills developed within the Engineering 1 course with students taking on more personal responsibility for project development and management. Skills developed during the year 1 course will be broadened and deepened. Student learning outcomes are intended to include: coding experience (i.e. c++ and/or python), CAD experience (with potential for industry certification), project management experience and product design experience.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Body Systems and Disorders and/or teacher recommendation.
UC - "G" Approved

This course trains students to become athletic trainers, who are seeking NATA-BOC certification, however, is also pertinent to other therapeutic and sports medicine related sub-disciplines. Students learn the vocabulary, theories, principles, and skills involved with careers in sports medicine as athletic trainers. A special emphasis is placed on the history of athletic training, the sports medicine team, and the responsibilities of certified athletic trainers, athletic injury prevention, protective sports equipment, acute injury management, health care administration, and taping/wrapping techniques.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Body Systems and Disorders and/or teacher recommendation.
UC - "G" Approved

This course trains students to become athletic trainers, who are seeking NATA-BOC certification, however, is also pertinent to other therapeutic and sports medicine related sub-disciplines. Students learn the vocabulary, theories, principles, and skills involved with careers in sports medicine as athletic trainers. A special emphasis is placed on the history of athletic training, the sports medicine team, and the responsibilities of certified athletic trainers, athletic injury prevention, protective sports equipment, acute injury management, health care administration, and taping/wrapping techniques.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Culinary Techniques 1 P. Replaces (1130) Culinary Tech 2
UC - "G" Approved

Culinary Techniques 2 P is an applied laboratory based course that focuses on advanced skills and terminology used in meal management and food preparation. The course focuses instruction on advanced food safety and sanitation, composition of food, reaction of food, food preparation and techniques, as well as facilities, storage and equipment. Students use the ability to research, collect data, analyze information, report finding, and evaluate products and performance. The Culinary Techniques 2 P course presents students with a comprehensive curriculum that includes laboratory and academic preparation using food and prepares them to successfully plan and execute an authentic catering function.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Culinary Techniques 1 P. Replaces (1130) Culinary Tech 2
UC - "G" Approved

Culinary Techniques 2 P is an applied laboratory based course that focuses on advanced skills and terminology used in meal management and food preparation. The course focuses instruction on advanced food safety and sanitation, composition of food, reaction of food, food preparation and techniques, as well as facilities, storage and equipment. Students use the ability to research, collect data, analyze information, report finding, and evaluate products and performance. The Culinary Techniques 2 P course presents students with a comprehensive curriculum that includes laboratory and academic preparation using food and prepares them to successfully plan and execute an authentic catering function.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful Completion of Cyber Literacy 1 P.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Literacy II is a project-driven curriculum that expands a student’s understanding of cyberspace through two primary topics: systems engineering and liberal arts. The Cyber Literacy II course builds upon fundamental cyber skills developed in Cyber Literacy and challenges students to go deeper into the world of cyberspace. Students will utilize a microcontroller to construct complex systems that bring together a variety of components and will identify real-world connections as they discuss the liberal arts/ humanities crossovers that exist with today’s technologies. Many aspects of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics are discussed throughout each of the projects. Students are challenged to create flowcharts with each build as well as read schematics instead of relying on wiring diagrams.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful Completion of Cyber Literacy 1 P.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Literacy II is a project-driven curriculum that expands a student’s understanding of cyberspace through two primary topics: systems engineering and liberal arts. The Cyber Literacy II course builds upon fundamental cyber skills developed in Cyber Literacy and challenges students to go deeper into the world of cyberspace. Students will utilize a microcontroller to construct complex systems that bring together a variety of components and will identify real-world connections as they discuss the liberal arts/ humanities crossovers that exist with today’s technologies. Many aspects of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics are discussed throughout each of the projects. Students are challenged to create flowcharts with each build as well as read schematics instead of relying on wiring diagrams.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science(P).
UC - "D" Approved

This course is more than a traditional introduction to programming. It is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable course designed to teach students how computer science is transforming the world we live in and how they can use computer science in their own lives, studies, and in collaboration with others.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science(P).
UC - "D" Approved

This course is more than a traditional introduction to programming. It is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable course designed to teach students how computer science is transforming the world we live in and how they can use computer science in their own lives, studies, and in collaboration with others.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommended: Enrollment in the Dual Language Academy.
UC - "D" Approved

This course AP Computer Science Principles (Vietnamese) is taught entirely in Vietnamese. This course is more than a traditional introduction to programming. It is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable course designed to teach students how computer science is transforming the world we live in and how they can use computer science in their own lives, studies, and in collaboration with others.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommended: Enrollment in the Dual Language Academy.
UC - "D" Approved

This course AP Computer Science Principles (Vietnamese) is taught entirely in Vietnamese. This course is more than a traditional introduction to programming. It is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable course designed to teach students how computer science is transforming the world we live in and how they can use computer science in their own lives, studies, and in collaboration with others.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering 1.
UC - "G" Approved

Students will engage in interdisciplinary learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through a hands-on Project Based Approach as they build on the knowledge and skills learning in Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering I. Students will receive advanced level exploratory instruction and guidance on topics including proper use of machinery tools, foundation in applied physics, basic concepts behind drive train systems, pneumatics, and actuators, designing and creating models using a laser cuter and CNC machine, analyzing design tools and simulations on created Computer-Aided Design (CAD), implementation of Introduction and Advanced STEAM concepts through real world applications of classroom concepts. Acquiring of knowledge will be demonstrated through a series of projects starting with research and initial design and culminating with the completion of a build project that is focused on solving real-world problems.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering 1.
UC - "G" Approved

Students will engage in interdisciplinary learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through a hands-on Project Based Approach as they build on the knowledge and skills learning in Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering I. Students will receive advanced level exploratory instruction and guidance on topics including proper use of machinery tools, foundation in applied physics, basic concepts behind drive train systems, pneumatics, and actuators, designing and creating models using a laser cuter and CNC machine, analyzing design tools and simulations on created Computer-Aided Design (CAD), implementation of Introduction and Advanced STEAM concepts through real world applications of classroom concepts. Acquiring of knowledge will be demonstrated through a series of projects starting with research and initial design and culminating with the completion of a build project that is focused on solving real-world problems.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Business Entrepreneurship is a project-based course where students analyze and develop small businesses. Students will focus on four goals while utilizing various aspects of the 5 C’s (Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Character). They will learn the significance of math, reading, writing, and communicating to their future within the framework of starting and operating a small business. Students will understand how the market economy and ownership leads to wealth creation. Students learn not only the skills necessary to become entrepreneurs but also the attitudes, characteristics, and techniques in successful entrepreneurs that they will need to succeed. Students will learn to build analytical skills through solving complex problems and making sound decisions in order to produce a viable business. Through the use of Youth Entrepreneurs curriculum, students will cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset through the use of Foundational Values learning the importance of entrepreneurship in the market economy, opportunity recognition, communicate in business, ethical business behavior, social responsibility, competitive advantage and sustainability, market research and cost/benefit analysis, advertise and market products, business financial including pricing, operating costs, and projections. As students create their business plan, they will integrate academic knowledge to their own ventures, thus putting theory into practice.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Business Entrepreneurship is a project-based course where students analyze and develop small businesses. Students will focus on four goals while utilizing various aspects of the 5 C’s (Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Character). They will learn the significance of math, reading, writing, and communicating to their future within the framework of starting and operating a small business. Students will understand how the market economy and ownership leads to wealth creation. Students learn not only the skills necessary to become entrepreneurs but also the attitudes, characteristics, and techniques in successful entrepreneurs that they will need to succeed. Students will learn to build analytical skills through solving complex problems and making sound decisions in order to produce a viable business. Through the use of Youth Entrepreneurs curriculum, students will cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset through the use of Foundational Values learning the importance of entrepreneurship in the market economy, opportunity recognition, communicate in business, ethical business behavior, social responsibility, competitive advantage and sustainability, market research and cost/benefit analysis, advertise and market products, business financial including pricing, operating costs, and projections. As students create their business plan, they will integrate academic knowledge to their own ventures, thus putting theory into practice.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

PA Conservatory 3 is the third and final of three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 3 course will focus on higher education application and job placement. Direct assistance in identifying college/employer choices, filling out applications, and preparing students for selected auditions/interviews to a college programs, trade schools or jobs in the field of performing arts and entertainment, as well as assistance with FAFSA and scholarship applications. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

PA Conservatory 3 is the third and final of three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 3 course will focus on higher education application and job placement. Direct assistance in identifying college/employer choices, filling out applications, and preparing students for selected auditions/interviews to a college programs, trade schools or jobs in the field of performing arts and entertainment, as well as assistance with FAFSA and scholarship applications. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Selection process; successful completion of Business, Finance, and Careers course or an Accounting course.

Loara High School Union Bank Student-Run Branch Innovative program designed to provide student interns with real world financial education, work experience, and mentoring opportunities. The twelve selected student interns will acquire skills in finance, teamwork, leadership and hands-on experience of working in a bank overseen by a Union Bank Branch Manager and Branch Service Officer. Selected students are required to complete a two week summer program, which includes Teller Training and Teller shadowing at local Union Bank Branches. During the school year, each student intern must take and successfully pass all teller bank classes/certifications required of all MUFG Union Bank, N.A.,Tellers. Union Bank supports financial education. The bank recognizes that empowering youth will help build and sustain strong communities for the future.

5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Selection process; successful completion of Business, Finance, and Careers course or an Accounting course.

Loara High School Union Bank Student-Run Branch Innovative program designed to provide student interns with real world financial education, work experience, and mentoring opportunities. The twelve selected student interns will acquire skills in finance, teamwork, leadership and hands-on experience of working in a bank overseen by a Union Bank Branch Manager and Branch Service Officer. Selected students are required to complete a two week summer program, which includes Teller Training and Teller shadowing at local Union Bank Branches. During the school year, each student intern must take and successfully pass all teller bank classes/certifications required of all MUFG Union Bank, N.A.,Tellers. Union Bank supports financial education. The bank recognizes that empowering youth will help build and sustain strong communities for the future.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "D" Approved

Students explore fundamentals of flight in air and space through software simulations and hands-on experiences. Students learn how these concepts apply to a career in aerospace engineering and to other engineering fields. The course deepens the skills and knowledge of an engineering student within the context of atmospheric and space flight. Students explore the fundamentals of flight in air and space as they bring the concepts to life by designing and testing components related to flight such as an airfoil, propulsion system, and a rocket. They learn orbital mechanics concepts and apply these by creating models using industry-standard software. They also apply aerospace concepts to alternative applications such as a wind turbine and parachute. Students simulate a progression of operations to explore a planet, including creating a map of the terrain with a model satellite and using the map to execute a mission using an autonomous robot.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "D" Approved

Students explore fundamentals of flight in air and space through software simulations and hands-on experiences. Students learn how these concepts apply to a career in aerospace engineering and to other engineering fields. The course deepens the skills and knowledge of an engineering student within the context of atmospheric and space flight. Students explore the fundamentals of flight in air and space as they bring the concepts to life by designing and testing components related to flight such as an airfoil, propulsion system, and a rocket. They learn orbital mechanics concepts and apply these by creating models using industry-standard software. They also apply aerospace concepts to alternative applications such as a wind turbine and parachute. Students simulate a progression of operations to explore a planet, including creating a map of the terrain with a model satellite and using the map to execute a mission using an autonomous robot.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Culinary Techniques 1 and 2 P.
UC - "G" Approved

This course provides for the understanding and advanced application of nutrition concepts, food safety and sanitation, recipe development, and service. It is an advanced course in the Food Service and Hospitality pathway within the Hospitality and Tourism sector. It is an applied laboratory-based course that focuses on advanced skills and terminology used in meal management and food preparation. The course focuses instruction on advanced food safety and sanitation, composition of food, reactions of food as it relates to food preparation and techniques, along with facilities, storage and equipment. Students use the ability to research, analyze information, report findings, evaluate products and performance, and apply the concepts and techniques they have learned in the lab. The Food Service/Hospitality course presents students with a comprehensive curriculum that includes laboratory and academic preparation using food to better understand aspects of international and cultural influences on cuisine. Throughout the course content, students will collaborate to develop an understanding of the science of culinary processes and engage in analyzing the contents and properties of food. Students will use traditional and emerging laboratory and food preparation equipment to prepare food. Students learn and utilize standard knife skills in order to meet industry standards. They will also develop laboratory reports that employ deductive reasoning. Students will improve their mathematical skills through measuring and applying proper measuring techniques during labs. Students will explore the properties of major nutrients, including their sources and functions. Students will develop a working knowledge of the elements involved in establishing and managing a food-service operation. Students will employ menu planning, purchasing, pricing, and food preparation techniques designed to maximize guest satisfaction and financial profitability. Students will be exposed to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry through exploration of front of the house and back of the house careers. Students will research the basic local, state and federal sanitation regulations as they pertain to the food industry and learn the principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Culinary Techniques 1 and 2 P.
UC - "G" Approved

This course provides for the understanding and advanced application of nutrition concepts, food safety and sanitation, recipe development, and service. It is an advanced course in the Food Service and Hospitality pathway within the Hospitality and Tourism sector. It is an applied laboratory-based course that focuses on advanced skills and terminology used in meal management and food preparation. The course focuses instruction on advanced food safety and sanitation, composition of food, reactions of food as it relates to food preparation and techniques, along with facilities, storage and equipment. Students use the ability to research, analyze information, report findings, evaluate products and performance, and apply the concepts and techniques they have learned in the lab. The Food Service/Hospitality course presents students with a comprehensive curriculum that includes laboratory and academic preparation using food to better understand aspects of international and cultural influences on cuisine. Throughout the course content, students will collaborate to develop an understanding of the science of culinary processes and engage in analyzing the contents and properties of food. Students will use traditional and emerging laboratory and food preparation equipment to prepare food. Students learn and utilize standard knife skills in order to meet industry standards. They will also develop laboratory reports that employ deductive reasoning. Students will improve their mathematical skills through measuring and applying proper measuring techniques during labs. Students will explore the properties of major nutrients, including their sources and functions. Students will develop a working knowledge of the elements involved in establishing and managing a food-service operation. Students will employ menu planning, purchasing, pricing, and food preparation techniques designed to maximize guest satisfaction and financial profitability. Students will be exposed to the Hospitality and Tourism Industry through exploration of front of the house and back of the house careers. Students will research the basic local, state and federal sanitation regulations as they pertain to the food industry and learn the principles of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Innovations is a project-based, passion-based course in which students have the time and space to create their own learning experiences and collaborate. Students learn by doing and creating, rather than passively conforming to a set of predetermined directions and outcomes. The focus is less on compliance and more on self-discovery and the pursuit of curiosity and knowledge building. This class will never stop evolving, as students utilize collaboration to make the shift from being consumers to content-originators and producers. Most importantly, students will be asked to take ownership of their education and given the challenge to prove they have mastered the required standards by having the freedom to choose the method for completing the projects they choose.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Innovations is a project-based, passion-based course in which students have the time and space to create their own learning experiences and collaborate. Students learn by doing and creating, rather than passively conforming to a set of predetermined directions and outcomes. The focus is less on compliance and more on self-discovery and the pursuit of curiosity and knowledge building. This class will never stop evolving, as students utilize collaboration to make the shift from being consumers to content-originators and producers. Most importantly, students will be asked to take ownership of their education and given the challenge to prove they have mastered the required standards by having the freedom to choose the method for completing the projects they choose.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "C" Approved

AP Computer Science A emphasizes programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development. It includes the study of data structures and abstraction. This course is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester course in computer science at the college level.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "C" Approved

AP Computer Science A emphasizes programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development. It includes the study of data structures and abstraction. This course is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester course in computer science at the college level.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommended: Enrollment in the Dual Language Academy.
UC - "C" Approved

AP Computer Science A (Vietnamese) emphasizes programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development. It includes the study of data structures and abstraction. This course is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester course in computer science at the college level.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommended: Enrollment in the Dual Language Academy.
UC - "C" Approved

AP Computer Science A (Vietnamese) emphasizes programming methodology with a concentration on problem solving and algorithm development. It includes the study of data structures and abstraction. This course is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester course in computer science at the college level.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: Successful completion of Food Service & Hospitality course and teacher recommendation.

Student performance will be monitored by the instructor and will focus on self-assessment of students lab work. The course will give advanced students an opportunity to work on refining the culinary skills they have learned on advanced recipe selections that are chosen by the student with advisement from the instructor. The students will help run all banquets and help with menu preparation, setup, and team management. This class is intended to give advanced students a flexible environment in which they can practice and refine their skills. Students will also be expected to study and pass the ServSafe examination during this course. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to ServSafe industry certification.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: Successful completion of Food Service & Hospitality course and teacher recommendation.

Student performance will be monitored by the instructor and will focus on self-assessment of students lab work. The course will give advanced students an opportunity to work on refining the culinary skills they have learned on advanced recipe selections that are chosen by the student with advisement from the instructor. The students will help run all banquets and help with menu preparation, setup, and team management. This class is intended to give advanced students a flexible environment in which they can practice and refine their skills. Students will also be expected to study and pass the ServSafe examination during this course. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to ServSafe industry certification.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Mentoring trains and equips students to mentor and support peers in their cyber classes. Topics will include current issues in Cybersecurity, development of personal leadership and communication, developing a professional online presence, and career skill. Students will help plan, organize and promote cyber events on campus and with partnering elementary and junior high schools in order to increase awareness of current cybersecurity issues. Students are required to complete 10 cyber community hours per semester. Coaching for CyberPatriot and other cyber competitions will be part of the grade for this course.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Cyber Mentoring trains and equips students to mentor and support peers in their cyber classes. Topics will include current issues in Cybersecurity, development of personal leadership and communication, developing a professional online presence, and career skill. Students will help plan, organize and promote cyber events on campus and with partnering elementary and junior high schools in order to increase awareness of current cybersecurity issues. Students are required to complete 10 cyber community hours per semester. Coaching for CyberPatriot and other cyber competitions will be part of the grade for this course.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science and/or AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This course serves as the capstone course for students in the Software and Systems Development Pathway. The course will introduce students to application development for mobile devices via programming. Students will learn about the various constraints facing mobile application designers, both with respect to hardware and with respect to user expectation. Additionally, students will also learn about concepts at the core of modern mobile computing, such as software and data distribution models. The course focuses on using the Android OS as the development platform, but the concepts covered in the course are platform independent. The course starts with a 6-week course on the App Inventor platform. Then students will be introduced to the Java programming language, Android Studio, and the Android SDK and APIs.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science and/or AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This course serves as the capstone course for students in the Software and Systems Development Pathway. The course will introduce students to application development for mobile devices via programming. Students will learn about the various constraints facing mobile application designers, both with respect to hardware and with respect to user expectation. Additionally, students will also learn about concepts at the core of modern mobile computing, such as software and data distribution models. The course focuses on using the Android OS as the development platform, but the concepts covered in the course are platform independent. The course starts with a 6-week course on the App Inventor platform. Then students will be introduced to the Java programming language, Android Studio, and the Android SDK and APIs.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science and/or AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This course is part of the Vietnamese Dual Language Program. The entire course is taught in Vietnamese. This course serves as the capstone course for students in the Software and Systems Development Pathway. The course will introduce students to application development for mobile devices via programming. Students will learn about the various constraints facing mobile application designers, both with respect to hardware and with respect to user expectation. Additionally, students will also learn about concepts at the core of modern mobile computing, such as software and data distribution models. The course focuses on using the Android OS as the development platform, but the concepts covered in the course are platform independent. The course starts with a 6-week course on the App Inventor platform. Then students will be introduced to the Java programming language, Android Studio, and the Android SDK and APIs.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science and/or AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This course is part of the Vietnamese Dual Language Program. The entire course is taught in Vietnamese. This course serves as the capstone course for students in the Software and Systems Development Pathway. The course will introduce students to application development for mobile devices via programming. Students will learn about the various constraints facing mobile application designers, both with respect to hardware and with respect to user expectation. Additionally, students will also learn about concepts at the core of modern mobile computing, such as software and data distribution models. The course focuses on using the Android OS as the development platform, but the concepts covered in the course are platform independent. The course starts with a 6-week course on the App Inventor platform. Then students will be introduced to the Java programming language, Android Studio, and the Android SDK and APIs.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science and/or AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

The course in Application Development will be an extension of materials covered within AP Computer Science A. Students will practice creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication as they develop object oriented solutions to complex programming problems. This will be an intense and challenging course covering topics of computer graphics, Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming, and the analysis and use of data structures similar to a second semester college course in computer science (CS2). The course will balance lecture, individual research, and projects. It is anticipated that at least sixty percent of class time will be dedicated to students actually coding and implementing software. The course will be divided into four broad units: Object Oriented Programming Review, Data Structures, GUI programming, and Application Design.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science and/or AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

The course in Application Development will be an extension of materials covered within AP Computer Science A. Students will practice creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication as they develop object oriented solutions to complex programming problems. This will be an intense and challenging course covering topics of computer graphics, Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming, and the analysis and use of data structures similar to a second semester college course in computer science (CS2). The course will balance lecture, individual research, and projects. It is anticipated that at least sixty percent of class time will be dedicated to students actually coding and implementing software. The course will be divided into four broad units: Object Oriented Programming Review, Data Structures, GUI programming, and Application Design.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of (AP) Computer Science Principles or Digital Animation.
UC - "G" Approved

This course serves as the Capstone Course for students in either of two CTE Pathways: Design, Visual, and Media Arts or Games and Simulations. A video game is a combination of art, story, and coding, and this course will tap on students’ talents in all of these areas. Students will learn to think critically about the role technology plays in the design, production, dissemination, and use of games and game technologies. Just like those in the video game industry, students will use design and technology as tools as they work in teams to design and produce playable video games. At the end of the course, students will be encouraged to seek certification as a Unity Certified Developer.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of (AP) Computer Science Principles or Digital Animation.
UC - "G" Approved

This course serves as the Capstone Course for students in either of two CTE Pathways: Design, Visual, and Media Arts or Games and Simulations. A video game is a combination of art, story, and coding, and this course will tap on students’ talents in all of these areas. Students will learn to think critically about the role technology plays in the design, production, dissemination, and use of games and game technologies. Just like those in the video game industry, students will use design and technology as tools as they work in teams to design and produce playable video games. At the end of the course, students will be encouraged to seek certification as a Unity Certified Developer.

5.0 semester credits
VDLIA Program Course
UC - "G" Approved

The purpose of this year-long course is to expose students to research-based employ ability skills for the 21st century. Students will develop self awareness and self advocacy skills, enhance research techniques and abilities, and develop personal goal setting. They will have daily experiences in decision making, career preparation and job readiness. Students will develop a portfolio that includes copies of their career and learning assessments, labor market research and an explanatory essay which identifies at least 3 potential suitable and reasonable careers. Students will be guided through the college application process and learn about the programs offered for educational and academic assistance. College and career representatives will give necessary presentation to the students to prepare them for their post graduation goals. VDLIA College and Career Preparation is the last course in the Vietnamese Dual Language Immersion Academy Program. Students will also be enrolled in Vietnamese 6H Vietnamese Literature concurrently. This course will be taught in Vietnamese and supplemented in English.

5.0 semester credits
VDLIA Program Course
UC - "G" Approved

The purpose of this year-long course is to expose students to research-based employ ability skills for the 21st century. Students will develop self awareness and self advocacy skills, enhance research techniques and abilities, and develop personal goal setting. They will have daily experiences in decision making, career preparation and job readiness. Students will develop a portfolio that includes copies of their career and learning assessments, labor market research and an explanatory essay which identifies at least 3 potential suitable and reasonable careers. Students will be guided through the college application process and learn about the programs offered for educational and academic assistance. College and career representatives will give necessary presentation to the students to prepare them for their post graduation goals. VDLIA College and Career Preparation is the last course in the Vietnamese Dual Language Immersion Academy Program. Students will also be enrolled in Vietnamese 6H Vietnamese Literature concurrently. This course will be taught in Vietnamese and supplemented in English.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of an AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This is an advanced programming course, that continues to build upon the fundamentals of computer science and computer programming introduced in AP Computer Science Principles. Students will learn how to design and build more complex web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The course will also introduce students to object-oriented programming. Students will be introduced to concepts and techniques for developing mobile applications using Android Studio. Students will become familiar with modern mobile structure, implementation, development tools, and workflow.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of an AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This is an advanced programming course, that continues to build upon the fundamentals of computer science and computer programming introduced in AP Computer Science Principles. Students will learn how to design and build more complex web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The course will also introduce students to object-oriented programming. Students will be introduced to concepts and techniques for developing mobile applications using Android Studio. Students will become familiar with modern mobile structure, implementation, development tools, and workflow.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of an AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This is an advanced programming course, taught in both Vietnamese and English, that continues to build upon the fundamentals of computer science and computer programming introduced in AP Computer Science Principles - Vietnamese Dual Language. Students will learn how to design and build more complex web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The course will also introduce students to object-oriented programming. Students will be introduced to concepts and techniques for developing mobile applications using Android Studio. Students will become familiar with modern mobile structure, implementation, development tools, and workflow. An emphasis will be placed on learning advanced computer science concepts in both Vietnamese and English.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of an AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This is an advanced programming course, taught in both Vietnamese and English, that continues to build upon the fundamentals of computer science and computer programming introduced in AP Computer Science Principles - Vietnamese Dual Language. Students will learn how to design and build more complex web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The course will also introduce students to object-oriented programming. Students will be introduced to concepts and techniques for developing mobile applications using Android Studio. Students will become familiar with modern mobile structure, implementation, development tools, and workflow. An emphasis will be placed on learning advanced computer science concepts in both Vietnamese and English.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
5th course option for KITE Pathways- Engineering and Computer Science
UC - "G" Approved

The KITE:AI Capstone course distinguishes itself from other KITE Pathway courses by providing students with an opportunity to bring to bear skills from all preceding courses in one, Capstone oriented environment where they create projects at a level that demonstrates their mastery. This course relates to all preceding (prerequisites) in that it is designed to be 100% execution based with the objective of honing and refining one’s abilities. It further distinguishes itself in its objective of providing project based, skills-oriented demonstrations of competence for use in marketing oneself in both the College and Career spaces.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
5th course option for KITE Pathways- Engineering and Computer Science
UC - "G" Approved

The KITE:AI Capstone course distinguishes itself from other KITE Pathway courses by providing students with an opportunity to bring to bear skills from all preceding courses in one, Capstone oriented environment where they create projects at a level that demonstrates their mastery. This course relates to all preceding (prerequisites) in that it is designed to be 100% execution based with the objective of honing and refining one’s abilities. It further distinguishes itself in its objective of providing project based, skills-oriented demonstrations of competence for use in marketing oneself in both the College and Career spaces.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: An agreement between the employer, school, parent, and student. Recommendation of the work experience teacher coordinator is required. eLearning Work Experience course satisfies the Digital Literacy graduation requirement.
UC - "G" Approved

This is an instructional program which, through a written cooperative arrangement, has as its purpose the application of basic skills of reading, writing and computation, and the acquisition of general and specific occupational skills by a combination of a supervised paid employment in any occupational field with related instruction in Work Experience Education and other courses in school. Students receive variable credit according to the number of hours worked and related instruction classes attended.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: An agreement between the employer, school, parent, and student. Recommendation of the work experience teacher coordinator is required. eLearning Work Experience course satisfies the Digital Literacy graduation requirement.
UC - "G" Approved

This is an instructional program which, through a written cooperative arrangement, has as its purpose the application of basic skills of reading, writing and computation, and the acquisition of general and specific occupational skills by a combination of a supervised paid employment in any occupational field with related instruction in Work Experience Education and other courses in school. Students receive variable credit according to the number of hours worked and related instruction classes attended.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the CS world. This course assumes no prior knowledge of computers. The course will start by building a strong foundation with variables, operations, style, abstraction, functions, loops and conditionals. It will then transition to designing and testing algorithms, information processing, data types, control structures, modules, recursion, arrays, strings, packages, classes, objects, graphics, and databases. Various sets of collaborative assignments will be used along with many opportunities to work individually. The course will include diverse sets of projects, quizzes, tests, links, digital environments, presentations and communication methods. Students will explore code in various ways by reading, making predictions, investigating, debugging, and writing code all throughout the course. Students will use incremental and iterative processes as they write code.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the CS world. This course assumes no prior knowledge of computers. The course will start by building a strong foundation with variables, operations, style, abstraction, functions, loops and conditionals. It will then transition to designing and testing algorithms, information processing, data types, control structures, modules, recursion, arrays, strings, packages, classes, objects, graphics, and databases. Various sets of collaborative assignments will be used along with many opportunities to work individually. The course will include diverse sets of projects, quizzes, tests, links, digital environments, presentations and communication methods. Students will explore code in various ways by reading, making predictions, investigating, debugging, and writing code all throughout the course. Students will use incremental and iterative processes as they write code.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science, Honors, engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
UC - "G" Approved

Introduction to Computer Science, Honors, engages students to use logic, math and creativity to solve a spectrum of problems. They will have many opportunities to practice breaking larger problems down into smaller tasks as it is an essential skill in the

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
eLearning course
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
eLearning course
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

11th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Exploring Computer Science and/or AP Computer Science course.
UC - "G" Approved

This course serves as the capstone course for students in the Software and Systems Development Pathway. The course will introduce students to application development for mobile devices via programming. Students will learn about the various constraints facing mobile application designers, both with respect to hardware and with respect to user expectation. Additionally, students will also learn about concepts at the core of modern mobile computing, such as software and data distribution models. The course focuses on using the Android OS as the development platform, but the concepts covered in the course are platform independent. The course starts with a 6-week course on the App Inventor platform. Then students will be introduced to the Java programming language, Android Studio, and the Android SDK and APIs.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.

This course code number will be used to designate credits for elective courses not offered in the Anaheim Union High School District.