Arts, Media and Entertainment Industry

School Year: 2024-2025  /  Number of Courses: 50

Department Overview

Standards, which are aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Instruction reinforces core skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and mathematics. Course instruction emphasizes career ready practices in communication, ethics, interpersonal/team skills, critical thinking and problem solving, safety, technology, and employability skills.

All CTE courses offered through the North Orange County Occupational Program (NOCROP) program have been assigned a course code number, a major course title or abbreviation, and a three character room number designation which will identify the location of the student's placement. This system has been coordinated with the Anaheim Union High School District's Information Systems Department, and is used by all senior high schools when students are scheduled in selected ROP areas of instruction.


9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This is a concentrator course in the Design, Visual, and Media Arts pathway. Topics include digital camera operations, lighting techniques, aesthetics, Photoshop, Lightroom, and portfolio development. This course will also cover art history topics to include a brief history of photography, contemporary photography, and commercial photographers. Students will explore exposure systems using aperture, shutter speed, and ISO combinations. Digital cameras with adjustable f-stops and shutter speeds, memory cards, and re-writable memory devices (SD cards and flash drives) will be used.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This is a concentrator course in the Design, Visual, and Media Arts pathway. Topics include digital camera operations, lighting techniques, aesthetics, Photoshop, Lightroom, and portfolio development. This course will also cover art history topics to include a brief history of photography, contemporary photography, and commercial photographers. Students will explore exposure systems using aperture, shutter speed, and ISO combinations. Digital cameras with adjustable f-stops and shutter speeds, memory cards, and re-writable memory devices (SD cards and flash drives) will be used.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Game Development (Esports) introduces a foundation to game design and development while teaching students to build games and simulations using Unity, C#, and Blender 3D. This course focuses on industry preparedness. Students will be able to communicate across multiple disciplines and gain an understanding of the different roles, responsibilities, and practices of the gaming industry. Students approach gaming from various aspects such as marketing, business design, event management, and Esports operations. As a capstone, students will create a playable demo for their video game ideas and simulate the process of game development from pitching their game ideas to publishers to creating marketing materials for their finished products.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "G" Approved

Game Development (Esports) introduces a foundation to game design and development while teaching students to build games and simulations using Unity, C#, and Blender 3D. This course focuses on industry preparedness. Students will be able to communicate across multiple disciplines and gain an understanding of the different roles, responsibilities, and practices of the gaming industry. Students approach gaming from various aspects such as marketing, business design, event management, and Esports operations. As a capstone, students will create a playable demo for their video game ideas and simulate the process of game development from pitching their game ideas to publishers to creating marketing materials for their finished products.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will participate in and produce television broadcasts. Projects include live broadcasts, commercials, interviews, documentaries, as well as scripting, storyboarding, editing, time and resource management and use of video/audio equipment and software. Comprehensive portfolios of work shall also be produced. The course emphasizes improving students’ communication skills through broadcasting media. This is a CTE concentrator level course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will participate in and produce television broadcasts. Projects include live broadcasts, commercials, interviews, documentaries, as well as scripting, storyboarding, editing, time and resource management and use of video/audio equipment and software. Comprehensive portfolios of work shall also be produced. The course emphasizes improving students’ communication skills through broadcasting media. This is a CTE concentrator level course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Audition or teacher recommendation
UC - "F" Approved

This course explores dance through a professional career lens. Students will experience dance as an expression: and as a vehicle for career exploration, technical mastery, artistic development, rehearsal experience and real-life industry experiences. This course explores a wide variety of careers in the entertainment industry with a strong emphasis in careers in dance. Students will also learn the history and evolution of the entertainment industry. Students will learn the importance of mastering different dance styles in the industry and learn how to apply dance techniques during rehearsals and performance preparation.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Audition or teacher recommendation
UC - "F" Approved

This course explores dance through a professional career lens. Students will experience dance as an expression: and as a vehicle for career exploration, technical mastery, artistic development, rehearsal experience and real-life industry experiences. This course explores a wide variety of careers in the entertainment industry with a strong emphasis in careers in dance. Students will also learn the history and evolution of the entertainment industry. Students will learn the importance of mastering different dance styles in the industry and learn how to apply dance techniques during rehearsals and performance preparation.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: None
UC - "F" Approved

Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those with a basic to general music background who are interested in the creation of electronic/digital music. Students will focus on composition techniques and songwriting skills while learning elements of computer-based music and digital editing.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: None
UC - "F" Approved

Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those with a basic to general music background who are interested in the creation of electronic/digital music. Students will focus on composition techniques and songwriting skills while learning elements of computer-based music and digital editing.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the first in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 1 course focuses on career exploration. Students will be actively involved in group and individual projects that help them to discover and examine the job options available as well as the training needed to pursue a career in their major focused field of interest. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the first in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 1 course focuses on career exploration. Students will be actively involved in group and individual projects that help them to discover and examine the job options available as well as the training needed to pursue a career in their major focused field of interest. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Graphic Communications or Digital Animation course.
UC - "F" Approved

Digital 3-D Modeling and Animation is a CTE course encompassing both technical and theoretical facets of the three dimensional (3D) animation process. 3D Animation is for students who are interested in the various concepts and possibilities of 3D Animation as it relates to the visual arts, game design, being a creative communication/language medium, business and career concepts and the potential as a career. Students develop the necessary conceptual understanding and skills to create, analyze, and appreciate professional level 3D modeling and animation in the digital arts. This class covers the 3D animation process, professionally referred to as the animation pipeline, from concept design to final rendering, while at the same time focusing on a comprehensive understanding of the theory and history of animation these technical skills are based on. Students will be instructed on how to plot, script, storyboard, present and create animated projects using various modeling and animation techniques within a variety of professional software (such as Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects). Storyboards, mechanics of motion, camera techniques, 3D Animation, modeling, texturing and advance rendering techniques will be an integral part of the course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Completion of Graphic Communications or Digital Animation course.
UC - "F" Approved

Digital 3-D Modeling and Animation is a CTE course encompassing both technical and theoretical facets of the three dimensional (3D) animation process. 3D Animation is for students who are interested in the various concepts and possibilities of 3D Animation as it relates to the visual arts, game design, being a creative communication/language medium, business and career concepts and the potential as a career. Students develop the necessary conceptual understanding and skills to create, analyze, and appreciate professional level 3D modeling and animation in the digital arts. This class covers the 3D animation process, professionally referred to as the animation pipeline, from concept design to final rendering, while at the same time focusing on a comprehensive understanding of the theory and history of animation these technical skills are based on. Students will be instructed on how to plot, script, storyboard, present and create animated projects using various modeling and animation techniques within a variety of professional software (such as Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects). Storyboards, mechanics of motion, camera techniques, 3D Animation, modeling, texturing and advance rendering techniques will be an integral part of the course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: Graphic Communications or Commercial Photography 1 should be taken prior to this course for CTE Pathway completion.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Commercial Photography is an intermediate level course which builds on the fundamentals mastered in Commercial Photography 1, and explores the use of technology, lighting, editing, deeper exploration in photo history and the art of photography. Advanced Commercial Photography is a classroom based course which will give the student an extensive overview of the intermediate principles of photography, as well as the equipment used. The student will express themselves through photography by completing various assignments in a challenging and creative atmosphere. The student will acquire an appreciation of the contributions of photography to modern society. Students will develop a lifelong interest in photography, as well as develop a professional portfolio of work that reflects knowledge of job acquisition skills and employer expectations for retaining a job.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: Graphic Communications or Commercial Photography 1 should be taken prior to this course for CTE Pathway completion.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Commercial Photography is an intermediate level course which builds on the fundamentals mastered in Commercial Photography 1, and explores the use of technology, lighting, editing, deeper exploration in photo history and the art of photography. Advanced Commercial Photography is a classroom based course which will give the student an extensive overview of the intermediate principles of photography, as well as the equipment used. The student will express themselves through photography by completing various assignments in a challenging and creative atmosphere. The student will acquire an appreciation of the contributions of photography to modern society. Students will develop a lifelong interest in photography, as well as develop a professional portfolio of work that reflects knowledge of job acquisition skills and employer expectations for retaining a job.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Broadcast Media.
UC - "G" Approved

In this course, students will lead the broadcast and production of live events at their school (aside from traditional school announcements) including sports, special events and performances. Students will learn about the wide range of camera, audio, networking systems, switchers and other gear that allow for multi- camera productions. Production and promotion of events will also be part of the experience with this course. Students will also learn the basics of being a sportscaster or announcer who reports on events in real time by providing running commentary as a play-by-play announcer or color commentator/analyst. Due to the intense competition for entering the broadcasting business, hands-on training and experience is crucial. This course will provide the skills and understanding students need to have an advantage in this highly competitive career path.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Broadcast Media.
UC - "G" Approved

In this course, students will lead the broadcast and production of live events at their school (aside from traditional school announcements) including sports, special events and performances. Students will learn about the wide range of camera, audio, networking systems, switchers and other gear that allow for multi- camera productions. Production and promotion of events will also be part of the experience with this course. Students will also learn the basics of being a sportscaster or announcer who reports on events in real time by providing running commentary as a play-by-play announcer or color commentator/analyst. Due to the intense competition for entering the broadcasting business, hands-on training and experience is crucial. This course will provide the skills and understanding students need to have an advantage in this highly competitive career path.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Dance Production (CTE), audition or teacher recommendation.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Dance Production is designed for the experienced dancer to apply choreographic skill and performance experience to create, produce, and mount a full-scale theatrical dance production for public performance. This course includes instruction on stage makeup techniques, costume construction, lighting design, stagecraft, advertising, budget development, and front of the house management. Students have the opportunity to perform, direct, create props and set pieces, design costumes, and manage the business of a full scale dance production in the fall semester. In the spring semester, students will choreograph a full length production, including responsibility for organization of the rehearsal process and carrying out the artistic vision of the director while mounting the production. This is a capstone course.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Dance Production (CTE), audition or teacher recommendation.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will explore ways in which entertainment careers will evolve in the future and develop a personal career/life plan while learning valuable foundation skills that will benefit them throughout their school and working life. This course will allow students to gain experience by working along-side current industry professionals. This course is designed for the experienced dancer to apply choreographic skill and performance experience to create, produce, and mount a full-scale theatrical dance production for public performance. Students will choreograph a full-length production, including responsibility for organization of the rehearsal process and carrying out the artistic vision of the director while mounting the production. This is a capstone course.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the second in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 2 course focus is on resume/portfolio building and audition preparation to support student career goals as developed in PA Academy 1. Important aspect of this level will include mentoring, internships and job shadowing with college level and working professionals to build skills, experience and contacts. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

This course is the second in three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 2 course focus is on resume/portfolio building and audition preparation to support student career goals as developed in PA Academy 1. Important aspect of this level will include mentoring, internships and job shadowing with college level and working professionals to build skills, experience and contacts. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Digital Music Production.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those students who completed Digital Music Production and who want to further their knowledge of and experience with creating, recording and producing music digitally. The class will also focus on producing live musical performances for an authentic audience of their peers on campus throughout the year. A special emphasis on a career and post secondary education path development is also a major component of this capstone course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Digital Music Production.
UC - "F" Approved

Advanced Digital Music Production CTE is a student centered course designed for those students who completed Digital Music Production and who want to further their knowledge of and experience with creating, recording and producing music digitally. The class will also focus on producing live musical performances for an authentic audience of their peers on campus throughout the year. A special emphasis on a career and post secondary education path development is also a major component of this capstone course.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

PA Conservatory 3 is the third and final of three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 3 course will focus on higher education application and job placement. Direct assistance in identifying college/employer choices, filling out applications, and preparing students for selected auditions/interviews to a college programs, trade schools or jobs in the field of performing arts and entertainment, as well as assistance with FAFSA and scholarship applications. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

PA Conservatory 3 is the third and final of three levels of courses designed to prepare students for further academic study or to enter into the workforce in the arts/entertainment industry. This level 3 course will focus on higher education application and job placement. Direct assistance in identifying college/employer choices, filling out applications, and preparing students for selected auditions/interviews to a college programs, trade schools or jobs in the field of performing arts and entertainment, as well as assistance with FAFSA and scholarship applications. All students will participate collaboratively in the capstone project of the year to produce a fully staged Broadway Musical including all aspects of production: performance--acting, singing, & dancing, technical theater ---design and construction including sets, lights, sound, crew, costumes & properties, and producing-- business marketing of events including budgeting, publicity & promotion, graphic design, electronic media, ticket sales, front of house management, etc.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Recommendation: None.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn the principles of graphic design while creating both digital and print graphics. Students will create logos and design a variety of design projects. Students will learn Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, and Macromedia Freehand and/or open-source graphics software. This is a concentration level CTE course.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to work in a professional environment. They will produce videos incorporating sound, animation, and special effects. Video production includes scripting, storyboarding, recording, and editing. The emphasis is on increasing students’ communication skills through the use of video technology. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

9th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
A grade of "C" or better in Graphic Communications.
UC - "F" Approved

Students will learn to create animations and apply the principles of animation through the visual electronic art form of 2D animation. Storyboarding, character development, basic terminology, as well as, the historical development and cultural influences on the field of animation will be explored. This is a CTE capstone level course, leading to industry certification.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
eLearning course
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
eLearning course
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
Successful completion of Broadcast Media, Video Production 1 or Journalism in the Digital Age
UC - "G" Approved

This student-centered course will apply advanced film production (including pre and post production) activities to real-world settings and media. This project-based course will examine specific uses of film and video technology in various entertainment and industry sectors. Students receive advanced training in pre- and post-production jobs and competencies, current and emerging technologies, and the collaborative nature of the creative process involved in video production.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.

10th - 12th
5.0 semester credits
UC - "F" Approved

The purpose of this course is for self-motivated students who wish to pursue a career in a design related field. Students will continue to develop their skills as graphic artists by exploring how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in visual communication. They will explore the historical development of design, through the exploration of graphic arts history while engaging in hands-on problem solving and visual experimentation to produce real world graphic arts projects. They will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology and practice. They will critically observe their visual environment, solve design problems, and influence behavior through the use of graphic design.