"(The) purpose of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps [is] to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment." (10 USC Sec 2031).  The mission of the JROTC Program is to:  "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.  The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application.  The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.Â
To fulfill this JROTC-LET1 strives to prepare students for college eligibility.  Three main components of the program are academic instruction, tutorial support and motivational activities.  The first year activities focus on self awareness, sharpening communication skills, conflict resolution, defining leadership in action and demonstrating military customs and courtesies.
"(The) purpose of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps [is] to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment." (10 USC Sec 2031).  The mission of the JROTC Program is to:  "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.  The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application.  The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.Â
To fulfill this JROTC-LET1 strives to prepare students for college eligibility.  Three main components of the program are academic instruction, tutorial support and motivational activities.  The first year activities focus on self awareness, sharpening communication skills, conflict resolution, defining leadership in action and demonstrating military customs and courtesies.
The purpose of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment." (10 USC Sec 2031). The mission of the JROTC Program is to: "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application. The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
This JROTC 2-LET course strives to prepare students for college eligibility. Four main components of the second year of training are covered in unit 4 Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid; unit 5 Geography and Earth Science; unit 6 Citizenship in American history and Government and unit 7 Drill and Ceremony. The second year activities continue on the development and sharpening of students communication skills, conflict resolution, and leadership abilities.
The purpose of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment." (10 USC Sec 2031). The mission of the JROTC Program is to: "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application. The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
This JROTC 2-LET course strives to prepare students for college eligibility. Four main components of the second year of training are covered in unit 4 Wellness, Fitness, and First Aid; unit 5 Geography and Earth Science; unit 6 Citizenship in American history and Government and unit 7 Drill and Ceremony. The second year activities continue on the development and sharpening of students communication skills, conflict resolution, and leadership abilities.
The purpose of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment." (10 USC Sec 2031). The mission of the JROTC Program is to: "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application. The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
JROTC 3-LET Continues to prepare students for their post-graduation plans, whether student is planning to attend college, the military or enter into the workforce. The five main components of the third year of training are covered in Unit 1 Citizenship in Action; Unit 2 Leadership Theory and Application; Unit 3 Foundations for Success; Unit 6 Citizenship in American History and Government and Unit 7 Drill and Ceremony. During the third year of leadership Education and Training (LET 3) students may be placed in leadership positions and are expected to lead lower LET level students during leadership lab. During the third year activities students continue the development and sharpening of students communication skills, conflict resolution, and leadership abilities all while developing and preparing for their post-graduation plans.
The purpose of Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is to instill in students in United States secondary educational institutions the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment." (10 USC Sec 2031). The mission of the JROTC Program is to: "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application. The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
JROTC 3-LET Continues to prepare students for their post-graduation plans, whether student is planning to attend college, the military or enter into the workforce. The five main components of the third year of training are covered in Unit 1 Citizenship in Action; Unit 2 Leadership Theory and Application; Unit 3 Foundations for Success; Unit 6 Citizenship in American History and Government and Unit 7 Drill and Ceremony. During the third year of leadership Education and Training (LET 3) students may be placed in leadership positions and are expected to lead lower LET level students during leadership lab. During the third year activities students continue the development and sharpening of students communication skills, conflict resolution, and leadership abilities all while developing and preparing for their post-graduation plans.
The purpose of Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to instill in students the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. (10 USC Sec 2031). The mission of the JROTC Program is to: "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application. The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Students demonstrate leadership potential as a role model, coach and counselor, plus assist instructor whole managing the Corps of Cadets in a leadership position. Three main components of the program are academic instruction, tutorial support and motivational activities. Fourth year activities focus on cultural diversity and global awareness, leadership in action, and demonstrating military customs and courtesies.
LET 4 students will complete their post graduation plans and are eligible to take up any leadership position within the JROTC Battalion. Students are expected to set the example for younger LET students. Students will teach, coach and mentor younger LET students in drill and ceremony, uniform wear and appearance, and service to the community, and overall conduct and behavior.
The purpose of Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is to instill in students the value of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. (10 USC Sec 2031). The mission of the JROTC Program is to: "Motivate young people to be better citizens" and to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in leadership theory and application. The JROTC program is grounded in the core values of Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Students demonstrate leadership potential as a role model, coach and counselor, plus assist instructor whole managing the Corps of Cadets in a leadership position. Three main components of the program are academic instruction, tutorial support and motivational activities. Fourth year activities focus on cultural diversity and global awareness, leadership in action, and demonstrating military customs and courtesies.
LET 4 students will complete their post graduation plans and are eligible to take up any leadership position within the JROTC Battalion. Students are expected to set the example for younger LET students. Students will teach, coach and mentor younger LET students in drill and ceremony, uniform wear and appearance, and service to the community, and overall conduct and behavior.
This AVID 9 elective course is part of an overall school program to prepare students most underrepresented in postsecondary education for four-year college eligibility. This class provides academic and motivational support to achieve success in college prep classes. Students learn the writing, language, and collaborative problem-solving skills necessary for success in college and life. A tutoring component also assists AVID students individually and in study groups.
This AVID 9 elective course is part of an overall school program to prepare students most underrepresented in postsecondary education for four-year college eligibility. This class provides academic and motivational support to achieve success in college prep classes. Students learn the writing, language, and collaborative problem-solving skills necessary for success in college and life. A tutoring component also assists AVID students individually and in study groups.
The Learning Skills course is designed as a support class to address student behavioral needs. A limited number of students must be placed using a defined, data-informed criteria. The course curriculum must be a research-based behavioral modification curriculum, such as "Why Try", "Boy’s Town", etc.. The duration of the course should be limited to only one or two semesters with established exit criteria to be used to return students to the core curriculum. Each site is limited to only one section of Learning Skills per semester.
The Learning Skills course is designed as a support class to address student behavioral needs. A limited number of students must be placed using a defined, data-informed criteria. The course curriculum must be a research-based behavioral modification curriculum, such as "Why Try", "Boy’s Town", etc.. The duration of the course should be limited to only one or two semesters with established exit criteria to be used to return students to the core curriculum. Each site is limited to only one section of Learning Skills per semester.
Yearbook Design is a year-long course designed to have students understand the role of visual art and design, and its impact on society and culture, particularly in publication mediums. The course will focus on students understanding a designer’s target audience and stimulating creativity through a variety of two-dimensional media. Then, students will apply this artistic process to create designs for the yearbook publication. Finally, they will maintain the integrity of design through the editing process, while collaborating and communicating with their colleagues on the yearbook staff. The assignments in the course will demonstrate a student’s ability to apply the principles of design and effectively communicate their message. Assignments will also have students process, respond to, and judge design works using their knowledge of the elements of art and the principles of design.
Yearbook Design is a year-long course designed to have students understand the role of visual art and design, and its impact on society and culture, particularly in publication mediums. The course will focus on students understanding a designer’s target audience and stimulating creativity through a variety of two-dimensional media. Then, students will apply this artistic process to create designs for the yearbook publication. Finally, they will maintain the integrity of design through the editing process, while collaborating and communicating with their colleagues on the yearbook staff. The assignments in the course will demonstrate a student’s ability to apply the principles of design and effectively communicate their message. Assignments will also have students process, respond to, and judge design works using their knowledge of the elements of art and the principles of design.
This course offers real-world experience in conjunction with the responsibility of producing a print and online newspaper. Students gather information, conduct interviews, write and edit news stories and columns, and photograph people and events for publication of the school newspaper. They are responsible for newspaper design and layout using modern professional publishing software, computers and cameras, and will utilize new technologies to incorporate the modern methods of storytelling through digital media: podcasts, augmented reality, video, and social media. The course is designed around the reading and analysis of quality literature and the writing of a wide variety of high quality papers. As well, students will learn the history of journalism and how it continues to evolve through the use of modern technology. Opportunities to begin work that could lead directly into a major program of study at the University in Journalism, and related fields such as Video Production, Graphic Design, Creative Writing, Photography, and Communications, are provided throughout the yearlong course.
This course offers real-world experience in conjunction with the responsibility of producing a print and online newspaper. Students gather information, conduct interviews, write and edit news stories and columns, and photograph people and events for publication of the school newspaper. They are responsible for newspaper design and layout using modern professional publishing software, computers and cameras, and will utilize new technologies to incorporate the modern methods of storytelling through digital media: podcasts, augmented reality, video, and social media. The course is designed around the reading and analysis of quality literature and the writing of a wide variety of high quality papers. As well, students will learn the history of journalism and how it continues to evolve through the use of modern technology. Opportunities to begin work that could lead directly into a major program of study at the University in Journalism, and related fields such as Video Production, Graphic Design, Creative Writing, Photography, and Communications, are provided throughout the yearlong course.
Journalism P (Spanish) is an elective course conducted entirely in Spanish. This course offers real-world experience in conjunction with the responsibility of producing a print and online newspaper. Students gather information, conduct interviews, write and edit news stories and columns, and photograph people and events for publication of the school newspaper. They are responsible for newspaper design and layout using modern professional publishing software, computers and cameras, and will utilize new technologies to incorporate the modern methods of storytelling through digital media: podcasts, augmented reality, video, and social media. The course is designed around the reading and analysis of quality literature and the writing of a wide variety of high quality papers. As well, students will learn the history of journalism and how it continues to evolve through the use of modern technology. Opportunities to begin work that could lead directly into a major program of study at the University in Journalism, and related fields such as Video Production, Graphic Design, Creative Writing, Photography, and Communications, are provided throughout the yearlong course.
Journalism P (Spanish) is an elective course conducted entirely in Spanish. This course offers real-world experience in conjunction with the responsibility of producing a print and online newspaper. Students gather information, conduct interviews, write and edit news stories and columns, and photograph people and events for publication of the school newspaper. They are responsible for newspaper design and layout using modern professional publishing software, computers and cameras, and will utilize new technologies to incorporate the modern methods of storytelling through digital media: podcasts, augmented reality, video, and social media. The course is designed around the reading and analysis of quality literature and the writing of a wide variety of high quality papers. As well, students will learn the history of journalism and how it continues to evolve through the use of modern technology. Opportunities to begin work that could lead directly into a major program of study at the University in Journalism, and related fields such as Video Production, Graphic Design, Creative Writing, Photography, and Communications, are provided throughout the yearlong course.
ASB Leadership is a project-based course aimed at increasing students' leadership capabilities. Through the planning and execution of numerous events for the school, students will discover how to best effect change in their communities. Students will read extensively about the nature of leadership and its different styles. Additionally, students write frequently-critically, reflectively, persuasively- and speak about the real world issues that arise from the planning of events. The course uses sections of The Student Leadership Guide by Brendon Burchard. The class will focus on standards designed by the California Association of Directors of Activities and Common Core State Standards, including communication & public speaking, creativity, service learning and reflection while positively impacting the entire student body.
ASB Leadership is a project-based course aimed at increasing students' leadership capabilities. Through the planning and execution of numerous events for the school, students will discover how to best effect change in their communities. Students will read extensively about the nature of leadership and its different styles. Additionally, students write frequently-critically, reflectively, persuasively- and speak about the real world issues that arise from the planning of events. The course uses sections of The Student Leadership Guide by Brendon Burchard. The class will focus on standards designed by the California Association of Directors of Activities and Common Core State Standards, including communication & public speaking, creativity, service learning and reflection while positively impacting the entire student body.
Link Crew Leadership is a two-semester course that combines high-level critical thinking, writing, and analytical skills with mentorship and entrepreneurial project experiences and implementation. Students will participate in research and evaluation, project planning and execution, as well as leadership and critical thinking-based activities in order to further develop these key skills in tandem with mentorship and counseling of fellow students. Students will learn vital theoretical lessons in the areas of interpersonal communications, diversity and inclusion, marketing, advertising, and pedagogy. Findings from these experiences will lead students to become empathic and responsible citizens who can apply their knowledge to larger-scale future projects as their ages, resources, and scopes increase. Students will be taught best practices in business development involving budgeting, marketing, target audience research, reporting, and pitching ideas for their leadership projects. Subsequently, students will implement these concepts as they craft and execute their events, projects, and presentations. This class will require students to synthesize information obtained in core classes as well as work both individually and collaboratively. Satisfies the Career Education requirement - Career-Related.
Link Crew Leadership is a two-semester course that combines high-level critical thinking, writing, and analytical skills with mentorship and entrepreneurial project experiences and implementation. Students will participate in research and evaluation, project planning and execution, as well as leadership and critical thinking-based activities in order to further develop these key skills in tandem with mentorship and counseling of fellow students. Students will learn vital theoretical lessons in the areas of interpersonal communications, diversity and inclusion, marketing, advertising, and pedagogy. Findings from these experiences will lead students to become empathic and responsible citizens who can apply their knowledge to larger-scale future projects as their ages, resources, and scopes increase. Students will be taught best practices in business development involving budgeting, marketing, target audience research, reporting, and pitching ideas for their leadership projects. Subsequently, students will implement these concepts as they craft and execute their events, projects, and presentations. This class will require students to synthesize information obtained in core classes as well as work both individually and collaboratively. Satisfies the Career Education requirement - Career-Related.
This course explores a variety of topics related to building confidence, establishing leadership skills, personal finance, and establishing personal, relational, and academic goals. Students will build communication skills, while developing problem-solving skills. The course has a strong focus on collaboration as well as written and oral skills.
This course explores a variety of topics related to building confidence, establishing leadership skills, personal finance, and establishing personal, relational, and academic goals. Students will build communication skills, while developing problem-solving skills. The course has a strong focus on collaboration as well as written and oral skills.
This course trains students in active listening, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Students will use these skills as conflict managers in disputes among students and also between students and teachers. Students will be responsible for designing and maintaining a campus-wide conflict resolution program to be used as an integral component of campus discipline and safety.
This course trains students in active listening, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Students will use these skills as conflict managers in disputes among students and also between students and teachers. Students will be responsible for designing and maintaining a campus-wide conflict resolution program to be used as an integral component of campus discipline and safety.
Song and Cheer performs at all athletic events. Other performances may include camp, competitions, pep assemblies, and community requests. Events selected for participation are determined by the instructor. Availability for all performances and practices is required for each member unless prior approval has been granted by the school. Selections through tryouts are held for students in the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. Ratings on posture, appearance, grooming, rhythm, coordination, and mastery of required skills determine placement in this class.
Song and Cheer performs at all athletic events. Other performances may include camp, competitions, pep assemblies, and community requests. Events selected for participation are determined by the instructor. Availability for all performances and practices is required for each member unless prior approval has been granted by the school. Selections through tryouts are held for students in the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. Ratings on posture, appearance, grooming, rhythm, coordination, and mastery of required skills determine placement in this class.
Students will be introduced to an appreciation of the cultural and historical roles that oral language and literary interpretation play in our society. Students will gain confidence in processing, analyzing, and responding to literature through language and creative expression. Emphasis will be placed on effective, responsible, and ethical communication and performance. Additionally, students will focus on the analysis, presentation, and evaluation of performances of literature by others and by themselves.
Students will be introduced to an appreciation of the cultural and historical roles that oral language and literary interpretation play in our society. Students will gain confidence in processing, analyzing, and responding to literature through language and creative expression. Emphasis will be placed on effective, responsible, and ethical communication and performance. Additionally, students will focus on the analysis, presentation, and evaluation of performances of literature by others and by themselves.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is a one-year elective course offered to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. The focus of the course is to allow students to apply academic content to real life situations and explore career opportunities. The course is also designed to attract educationally disadvantaged, including traditionally underrepresented students, and help them achieve their goals to enter careers in science, mathematics, and engineering. This course is offered as an interdisciplinary subject with a focus on mathematics and science content. Students will be exposed to other California Content Standards including English-Language Arts, Technology, and Art. Students will use problem and project based learning models to study engineering, physics, and mathematical concepts. They will use these concepts and apply them to the design and building of hands-on projects such as balsawood bridges, balsawood gliders, and mousetrap cars. The course will cover major aspects of engineering, including civil, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and automotive. Students will also focus on the applied aspects of physics, which include forces, motion, density, and technology. The mathematical concepts studied in this course include several aspects of algebra and geometry. The course will also expose the students to potential career paths, college opportunities/advising, public speaking, and technology. Furthermore, special emphasis will be placed on laboratory investigation, hands-on projects, and data collection.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is a one-year elective course offered to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. The focus of the course is to allow students to apply academic content to real life situations and explore career opportunities. The course is also designed to attract educationally disadvantaged, including traditionally underrepresented students, and help them achieve their goals to enter careers in science, mathematics, and engineering. This course is offered as an interdisciplinary subject with a focus on mathematics and science content. Students will be exposed to other California Content Standards including English-Language Arts, Technology, and Art. Students will use problem and project based learning models to study engineering, physics, and mathematical concepts. They will use these concepts and apply them to the design and building of hands-on projects such as balsawood bridges, balsawood gliders, and mousetrap cars. The course will cover major aspects of engineering, including civil, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and automotive. Students will also focus on the applied aspects of physics, which include forces, motion, density, and technology. The mathematical concepts studied in this course include several aspects of algebra and geometry. The course will also expose the students to potential career paths, college opportunities/advising, public speaking, and technology. Furthermore, special emphasis will be placed on laboratory investigation, hands-on projects, and data collection.
This AVID 10 elective course is part of an overall school program to prepare students most underrepresented in postsecondary education for four-year college eligibility. This class provides academic and motivational support to achieve success in college prep classes. Students learn the writing, language, and collaborative problem-solving skills necessary for success in college and life. A tutoring component also assists AVID students individually and in study groups.
This AVID 10 elective course is part of an overall school program to prepare students most underrepresented in postsecondary education for four-year college eligibility. This class provides academic and motivational support to achieve success in college prep classes. Students learn the writing, language, and collaborative problem-solving skills necessary for success in college and life. A tutoring component also assists AVID students individually and in study groups.
This AVID Junior Seminar course involves substantial critical reading and writing, and preparation for exams such as AP and IB. Students are required to complete timed writings, make oral presentations, and discuss contemporary issues. As with all AVID courses, the Junior Seminar features tutors, college students who lead discussions, and continued analysis of the academic subjects in which the students are enrolled.
This AVID Junior Seminar course involves substantial critical reading and writing, and preparation for exams such as AP and IB. Students are required to complete timed writings, make oral presentations, and discuss contemporary issues. As with all AVID courses, the Junior Seminar features tutors, college students who lead discussions, and continued analysis of the academic subjects in which the students are enrolled.
In Journalism in the Digital Age, students will work towards developing their voice using different writing styles in a writer's workshop environment where they will be reflective and evaluative of their own writing, as well as, of their peers' in order to improve their journalistic skills and editing techniques.
This course is meant to prepare students to be District photojournalists who document District events through writing and video; while having a greater understanding of how journalism has evolved during the 21st Century. Students will understand the importance of journalism in a democratic society and discuss ethical issues that can arise while covering topics in the community. Digital journalism opens our reporting up to a worldwide public audience and can take many forms such as text, podcasts, videos, discussion threads, and blogs. Student writers will report on stories that recognize the diversity of their community.
In Journalism in the Digital Age, students will work towards developing their voice using different writing styles in a writer's workshop environment where they will be reflective and evaluative of their own writing, as well as, of their peers' in order to improve their journalistic skills and editing techniques.
This course is meant to prepare students to be District photojournalists who document District events through writing and video; while having a greater understanding of how journalism has evolved during the 21st Century. Students will understand the importance of journalism in a democratic society and discuss ethical issues that can arise while covering topics in the community. Digital journalism opens our reporting up to a worldwide public audience and can take many forms such as text, podcasts, videos, discussion threads, and blogs. Student writers will report on stories that recognize the diversity of their community.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in Spanish.
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven wee
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in Vietnamese.
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven wee
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in Korean.
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week Internship.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week summer internship with a mentor from a local business partnership.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week summer internship with a mentor from a local business partnership.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week summer internship with a mentor from a local business partnership.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in Arabic.
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week Internship.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in Mandarin.
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week Internship.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in Japanese.
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week Internship.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in American Sign Language (ASL).
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week Internship.
The Summer Anaheim Innovative Mentoring Experience (AIME) provides selected students structured, off-site experiences to enhance their acquisition of career readiness skills. This internship was conducted entirely in Tamil.
After an orientation and job training, students are placed in a six to seven week Internship.
Under the direct supervision of a teacher, students in this course receive experience in teaching procedures, classroom techniques and organizational procedures.
Under the direct supervision of a teacher, students in this course receive experience in teaching procedures, classroom techniques and organizational procedures.
Under the direct supervision of a teacher, students in this course receive experience in teaching procedures, classroom techniques and organizational procedures.
This course is designed to give students practical clerical experience through placement in on-campus office facilities.
This course is designed to give students practical clerical experience through placement in on-campus office facilities.
This course is designed to give inservice training in positions such as cafeteria workers, custodians, etc.
This course is designed to give inservice training in positions such as cafeteria workers, custodians, etc.
This elective course is open to students who have a strong interest in helping and teaching. Students work with other students needing help in areas such as English, math, social science, world language, and science. A total GPA of 2.0 is required.
This elective course is open to students who have a strong interest in helping and teaching. Students work with other students needing help in areas such as English, math, social science, world language, and science. A total GPA of 2.0 is required.
This course gives students practical experience in instructing and assisting students and teachers in the operation of equipment and in the application of software using emerging technologies.
This course gives students practical experience in instructing and assisting students and teachers in the operation of equipment and in the application of software using emerging technologies.
This course provides an opportunity for the student to develop skills in research and retrieval of information, operation and use of computer and audiovisual equipment, and processing and circulation of materials. Students in this course also learn about attitudes and skills necessary to provide services to patrons and acquire awareness about careers in librarianship, information science, teaching, and public service.
This course provides an opportunity for the student to develop skills in research and retrieval of information, operation and use of computer and audiovisual equipment, and processing and circulation of materials. Students in this course also learn about attitudes and skills necessary to provide services to patrons and acquire awareness about careers in librarianship, information science, teaching, and public service.
This course includes learning basic laboratory techniques to aid the teacher in the classroom, setting up laboratory experiments, and assisting peers with computer assignments.
This course includes learning basic laboratory techniques to aid the teacher in the classroom, setting up laboratory experiments, and assisting peers with computer assignments.
Under the direct supervision of a teacher, students in this course receive experience in teaching procedures, classroom techniques and organizational procedures.
Under the direct supervision of a teacher, students in this course receive experience in teaching procedures, classroom techniques and organizational procedures.
This course involves substantial critical reading and writing, and preparation for exams such as AP and IB. Students are required to complete timed writings, make oral presentations, and discuss contemporary issues. As with all AVID courses, the Senior Seminar features tutors, college students who lead discussions, and continued analysis of the academic subjects in which the students are enrolled.
This course involves substantial critical reading and writing, and preparation for exams such as AP and IB. Students are required to complete timed writings, make oral presentations, and discuss contemporary issues. As with all AVID courses, the Senior Seminar features tutors, college students who lead discussions, and continued analysis of the academic subjects in which the students are enrolled.
This course extends the learning of the student from the first year. In this second year course, students continue with the first year's activities and learns additional techniques such as preparation of special reagents and stains, maintenance of living cultures, and operation of selected scientific equipment.
This course extends the learning of the student from the first year. In this second year course, students continue with the first year's activities and learns additional techniques such as preparation of special reagents and stains, maintenance of living cultures, and operation of selected scientific equipment.
In Journalism in the Digital Age, students will work towards developing their voice using different writing styles in a writer's workshop environment where they will be reflective and evaluative of their own writing, as well as, of their peers' in order to improve their journalistic skills and editing techniques.
This course is meant to prepare students to be District photojournalists who document District events through writing and video; while having a greater understanding of how journalism has evolved during the 21st Century. Students will understand the importance of journalism in a democratic society and discuss ethical issues that can arise while covering topics in the community. Digital journalism opens our reporting up to a worldwide public audience and can take many forms such as text, podcasts, videos, discussion threads, and blogs. Student writers will report on stories that recognize the diversity of their community.
In Journalism in the Digital Age, students will work towards developing their voice using different writing styles in a writer's workshop environment where they will be reflective and evaluative of their own writing, as well as, of their peers' in order to improve their journalistic skills and editing techniques.
This course is meant to prepare students to be District photojournalists who document District events through writing and video; while having a greater understanding of how journalism has evolved during the 21st Century. Students will understand the importance of journalism in a democratic society and discuss ethical issues that can arise while covering topics in the community. Digital journalism opens our reporting up to a worldwide public audience and can take many forms such as text, podcasts, videos, discussion threads, and blogs. Student writers will report on stories that recognize the diversity of their community.
In Journalism in the Digital Age, students will work towards developing their voice using different writing styles in a writer's workshop environment where they will be reflective and evaluative of their own writing, as well as, of their peers' in order to improve their journalistic skills and editing techniques.
This course is meant to prepare students to be District photojournalists who document District events through writing and video; while having a greater understanding of how journalism has evolved during the 21st Century. Students will understand the importance of journalism in a democratic society and discuss ethical issues that can arise while covering topics in the community. Digital journalism opens our reporting up to a worldwide public audience and can take many forms such as text, podcasts, videos, discussion threads, and blogs. Student writers will report on stories that recognize the diversity of their community.
This is a summer academy course. In Intro to Photo Journalism, students will work towards developing their voice using different writing styles and digital media techniques. Here they will be reflective and evaluative of their own work, as well as, of their peers' in order to improve their journalistic skills and editing techniques.
During the summer, the first half of the course will include theory and application of digital media techniques, such as cinematography, lighting, sound, editing, and narrative through lectures, exercises, and real-world assignments. The second half will be dedicated to storyboarding, prepping, filming, editing, and archiving AUHSD summer programs/events. There will also be opportunities to visit college campuses/film schools and view film screenings at local theaters.
This course is meant to prepare students to be District photojournalists who document District events through writing and video. This group of students will create personal, in-depth documentaries on people, topics, classes, or events at his/her school and will also film, edit, and archive major events/programs for AUHSD during the regular school year.
Students will understand the importance of journalism in a democratic society and discuss ethical issues that can arise while covering topics in the community. Digital journalism opens our reporting up to a worldwide public audience and can take many forms such as text, podcasts, videos, discussion threads, and blogs. Students will report on stories that recognize the diversity of their community.
This is a summer academy course. In Intro to Photo Journalism, students will work towards developing their voice using different writing styles and digital media techniques. Here they will be reflective and evaluative of their own work, as well as, of their peers' in order to improve their journalistic skills and editing techniques.
During the summer, the first half of the course will include theory and application of digital media techniques, such as cinematography, lighting, sound, editing, and narrative through lectures, exercises, and real-world assignments. The second half will be dedicated to storyboarding, prepping, filming, editing, and archiving AUHSD summer programs/events. There will also be opportunities to visit college campuses/film schools and view film screenings at local theaters.
This course is meant to prepare students to be District photojournalists who document District events through writing and video. This group of students will create personal, in-depth documentaries on people, topics, classes, or events at his/her school and will also film, edit, and archive major events/programs for AUHSD during the regular school year.
Students will understand the importance of journalism in a democratic society and discuss ethical issues that can arise while covering topics in the community. Digital journalism opens our reporting up to a worldwide public audience and can take many forms such as text, podcasts, videos, discussion threads, and blogs. Students will report on stories that recognize the diversity of their community.