Exploring Career Technical Education (CTE) is an integral part of the District’s total educational program. At the junior high level students are provided opportunities to develop career awareness and exploration. Through handson, practical applied settings, the CTE courses prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary for postsecondary education and training and to help all students emerge from school ready to pursue their college and career goals. Career Technical “pipelines” are sequentially articulated from junior high school through senior high school, industry institutes, community colleges, and fouryear colleges and universities. ALL CTE COURSES ARE OPEN TO BOYS AND GIRLS.
The student may be required to pay for materials used to fabricate personal projects. This will be indicated in each course with the symbol ($$)
This course is designed to expose students to the exciting world of 2D Animation. The course allows each student to develop their individual drawing skills, created the illusion of movement with their drawings, and learn the basic mechanics of animation. The students will also apply basic animation techniques learned in the course to create short, digitally animated films. In addition, the history of animation, the 12 Principles of Animation, and storyboarding will be introduced.
This course is designed to expose students to the exciting world of 2D Animation. The course allows each student to develop their individual drawing skills, created the illusion of movement with their drawings, and learn the basic mechanics of animation. The students will also apply basic animation techniques learned in the course to create short, digitally animated films. In addition, the history of animation, the 12 Principles of Animation, and storyboarding will be introduced.
This course is designed to expose students to the world of digital multimedia. The course allows each student to explore their individual interests in video production, podcasting, shoutcasting, esports content creation. The students will also apply basic techniques learned in the course to create a digital multimedia portfolio documenting the students' learning.
This course is designed to expose students to the world of digital multimedia. The course allows each student to explore their individual interests in video production, podcasting, shoutcasting, esports content creation. The students will also apply basic techniques learned in the course to create a digital multimedia portfolio documenting the students' learning.
This course is designed to expose students to the world of digital multimedia. The course allows each student to explore their individual interests in video production, podcasting, shoutcasting, esports content creation. The students will also apply basic techniques learned in the course to create a digital multimedia portfolio documenting the students' learning.
This course is designed to expose students to the world of digital multimedia. The course allows each student to explore their individual interests in video production, podcasting, shoutcasting, esports content creation. The students will also apply basic techniques learned in the course to create a digital multimedia portfolio documenting the students' learning.
The Advanced Digital Multimedia with AI Integration course offers students an in-depth exploration of multimedia production while incorporating the transformative capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Throughout the course, students will develop proficiency in creating multimedia content, including video production, graphic design, and other digital projects. Additionally, students will be introduced to AI technologies and their application in enhancing multimedia production.
The Advanced Digital Multimedia with AI Integration course offers students an in-depth exploration of multimedia production while incorporating the transformative capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Throughout the course, students will develop proficiency in creating multimedia content, including video production, graphic design, and other digital projects. Additionally, students will be introduced to AI technologies and their application in enhancing multimedia production.
The course will explore parts of a drone, how to fly a drone, how they are used in the real world and actual in-class flying. By the end of this course, students will understand the physics of flight, how to maintain and prepare a drone for flight, and fly a drone indoors through a series of mastery courses.
The course will explore parts of a drone, how to fly a drone, how they are used in the real world and actual in-class flying. By the end of this course, students will understand the physics of flight, how to maintain and prepare a drone for flight, and fly a drone indoors through a series of mastery courses.
The course will explore parts of a drone, how to fly a drone, how they are used in the real world and actual in-class flying. By the end of this course, students will understand the physics of flight, how to maintain and prepare a drone for flight, and fly a drone indoors through a series of mastery courses.
The course will explore parts of a drone, how to fly a drone, how they are used in the real world and actual in-class flying. By the end of this course, students will understand the physics of flight, how to maintain and prepare a drone for flight, and fly a drone indoors through a series of mastery courses.
This course introduces students to the study of wood and its importance in the world of manufacturing. The areas of safety, joinery, hand tools, selected machine tools, gluing, selection of wood, and computer controlled-machining are addressed. ($$)
This course introduces students to the study of wood and its importance in the world of manufacturing. The areas of safety, joinery, hand tools, selected machine tools, gluing, selection of wood, and computer controlled-machining are addressed. ($$)
This course introduces students to the study of wood and its importance in the world of manufacturing. The areas of safety, joinery, hand tools, selected machine tools, gluing, selection of wood, and computer controlled-machining are addressed. ($$)
This course introduces students to the study of wood and its importance in the world of manufacturing. The areas of safety, joinery, hand tools, selected machine tools, gluing, selection of wood, and computer controlled-machining are addressed. ($$)
This course is designed to spark an interest in STEM subjects through an activities-oriented curriculum and prepare students for further study in high school. Students discover the design process and develop an understanding of the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. They are then challenged and empowered to use and apply what they’ve learned throughout the course to design a therapeutic toy for a child who has cerebral palsy. This course is taught by an ROP instructor.
This course is designed to spark an interest in STEM subjects through an activities-oriented curriculum and prepare students for further study in high school. Students discover the design process and develop an understanding of the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. They are then challenged and empowered to use and apply what they’ve learned throughout the course to design a therapeutic toy for a child who has cerebral palsy. This course is taught by an ROP instructor.
Robotics is an elective course where students learn to design, build, and program robots and autonomous machines. Students will learn about electricity and how society depends on this energy source. Lessons on electronic components, electrical circuits, and computer programming will enable students to design and construct their own robot. The course will culminate with a student robotics competition where students work collaboratively to design and map a course for their robot to follow as it performs various tasks. The format of the class is designed to be hands on, project-based, and student centered. Throughout the class students will be learning essential reading, writing, and critical thinking skills needed for success in their future education and careers. Pipeline course for the Engineering Pathway.
Robotics is an elective course where students learn to design, build, and program robots and autonomous machines. Students will learn about electricity and how society depends on this energy source. Lessons on electronic components, electrical circuits, and computer programming will enable students to design and construct their own robot. The course will culminate with a student robotics competition where students work collaboratively to design and map a course for their robot to follow as it performs various tasks. The format of the class is designed to be hands on, project-based, and student centered. Throughout the class students will be learning essential reading, writing, and critical thinking skills needed for success in their future education and careers. Pipeline course for the Engineering Pathway.
Robotics is an elective course where students learn to design, build, and program robots and autonomous machines. Students will learn about electricity and how society depends on this energy source. Lessons on electronic components, electrical circuits, and computer programming will enable students to design and construct their own robot. The course will culminate with a student robotics competition where students work collaboratively to design and map a course for their robot to follow as it performs various tasks. The format of the class is designed to be hands on, project-based, and student centered. Throughout the class students will be learning essential reading, writing, and critical thinking skills needed for success in their future education and careers. Pipeline course for the Engineering Pathway.
Robotics is an elective course where students learn to design, build, and program robots and autonomous machines. Students will learn about electricity and how society depends on this energy source. Lessons on electronic components, electrical circuits, and computer programming will enable students to design and construct their own robot. The course will culminate with a student robotics competition where students work collaboratively to design and map a course for their robot to follow as it performs various tasks. The format of the class is designed to be hands on, project-based, and student centered. Throughout the class students will be learning essential reading, writing, and critical thinking skills needed for success in their future education and careers. Pipeline course for the Engineering Pathway.
This course teaches drafting and its importance in the world of manufacturing. The areas of safety, lettering, measuring, sketching, orthographic projections, isometric drawing, architectural drawing, and computer-aided drafting are addressed. ($$)
This exploratory course is broad-based in nature and utilizes the
modular concept of curricula presentation. The objective is to acquaint students with technology through hands-on modular delivery experiences in the areas of manufacturing, communication, construction and power, energy, and transportation. Students will become familiar with the historical, contemporary and potential development of industry as well as a beginning foundation for career awareness. ($$)
This exploratory course is broad-based in nature and utilizes the
modular concept of curricula presentation. The objective is to acquaint students with technology through hands-on modular delivery experiences in the areas of manufacturing, communication, construction and power, energy, and transportation. Students will become familiar with the historical, contemporary and potential development of industry as well as a beginning foundation for career awareness. ($$)
This introductory course explores various phases of industrial technology. Safety, hand tool, and machine use will be reviewed. The areas of wood, metal, electricity, drafting, and plastics are addressed. ($$)
This introductory course explores various phases of industrial technology. Safety, hand tool, and machine use will be reviewed. The areas of wood, metal, electricity, drafting, and plastics are addressed. ($$)
This introductory course explores various phases of industrial technology. Safety, hand tool, and machine use will be reviewed. The areas of wood, metal, electricity, drafting, and plastics are addressed. ($$)
This introductory course explores various phases of industrial technology. Safety, hand tool, and machine use will be reviewed. The areas of wood, metal, electricity, drafting, and plastics are addressed. ($$)
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is a one-year exploratory elective course. The focus of the course is to allow students to apply academic content to real-life situations and explore career opportunities. This course is offered as an interdisciplinary subject with a focus on mathematics and science content. Students will be exposed to other California Content Standards including English-Language Arts, Technology, and Art. Students will use problem and project based learning models to study engineering, physics, and mathematical concepts. They will use these concepts and apply them to the design and building of hands-on projects. Special emphasis will be placed on laboratory investigation, hands-on projects, and data collection. The course will cover major aspects of engineering, including civil, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and automotive. Students will also focus on the applied aspects of physics, which include forces, motion, density, and technology. The mathematical concepts studied in this course include several aspects of algebra and geometry. The course will also expose the students to potential career paths, college opportunities advising, public speaking, and technology.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is a one-year exploratory elective course. The focus of the course is to allow students to apply academic content to real-life situations and explore career opportunities. This course is offered as an interdisciplinary subject with a focus on mathematics and science content. Students will be exposed to other California Content Standards including English-Language Arts, Technology, and Art. Students will use problem and project based learning models to study engineering, physics, and mathematical concepts. They will use these concepts and apply them to the design and building of hands-on projects. Special emphasis will be placed on laboratory investigation, hands-on projects, and data collection. The course will cover major aspects of engineering, including civil, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and automotive. Students will also focus on the applied aspects of physics, which include forces, motion, density, and technology. The mathematical concepts studied in this course include several aspects of algebra and geometry. The course will also expose the students to potential career paths, college opportunities advising, public speaking, and technology.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is a one-year exploratory elective course. The focus of the course is to allow students to apply academic content to real-life situations and explore career opportunities. This course is offered as an interdisciplinary subject with a focus on mathematics and science content. Students will be exposed to other California Content Standards including English-Language Arts, Technology, and Art. Students will use problem and project based learning models to study engineering, physics, and mathematical concepts. They will use these concepts and apply them to the design and building of hands-on projects. Special emphasis will be placed on laboratory investigation, hands-on projects, and data collection. The course will cover major aspects of engineering, including civil, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and automotive. Students will also focus on the applied aspects of physics, which include forces, motion, density, and technology. The mathematical concepts studied in this course include several aspects of algebra and geometry. The course will also expose the students to potential career paths, college opportunities advising, public speaking, and technology.
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) is a one-year exploratory elective course. The focus of the course is to allow students to apply academic content to real-life situations and explore career opportunities. This course is offered as an interdisciplinary subject with a focus on mathematics and science content. Students will be exposed to other California Content Standards including English-Language Arts, Technology, and Art. Students will use problem and project based learning models to study engineering, physics, and mathematical concepts. They will use these concepts and apply them to the design and building of hands-on projects. Special emphasis will be placed on laboratory investigation, hands-on projects, and data collection. The course will cover major aspects of engineering, including civil, mechanical, aeronautical, chemical, and automotive. Students will also focus on the applied aspects of physics, which include forces, motion, density, and technology. The mathematical concepts studied in this course include several aspects of algebra and geometry. The course will also expose the students to potential career paths, college opportunities advising, public speaking, and technology.
Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how artificial intelligence can be integrated into various aspects of technology and engineering. The course will cover both theoretical concepts and practical applications, allowing students to develop a strong foundation in AI and its role in shaping the future of technology.
Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how artificial intelligence can be integrated into various aspects of technology and engineering. The course will cover both theoretical concepts and practical applications, allowing students to develop a strong foundation in AI and its role in shaping the future of technology.
In the Biotechnology Elective Wheel, students will be introduced to key concepts and laboratory skills currently used in the field of biotechnology. This eight week course serves as an introductory unit to the high school biotechnology pathway. Students will gain a basic understanding of DNA, biotechnology in the forensic science field and biotechnology in the medical field applied to the human body. As students explore topics essential to biotechnology, they will begin to develop laboratory skills specific to the topics studied.
In the Biotechnology Elective Wheel, students will be introduced to key concepts and laboratory skills currently used in the field of biotechnology. This eight week course serves as an introductory unit to the high school biotechnology pathway. Students will gain a basic understanding of DNA, biotechnology in the forensic science field and biotechnology in the medical field applied to the human body. As students explore topics essential to biotechnology, they will begin to develop laboratory skills specific to the topics studied.
Students will learn personal, consumer, and community health; safety; nutrition; individual growth and development; communicable and chronic diseases; medical terminology and abbreviations; body systems; legal and ethical topics; and socio-economic issues. Students explore diversity of career choices in the medical field.
Students will learn personal, consumer, and community health; safety; nutrition; individual growth and development; communicable and chronic diseases; medical terminology and abbreviations; body systems; legal and ethical topics; and socio-economic issues. Students explore diversity of career choices in the medical field.
Students will learn personal, consumer, and community health; safety; nutrition; individual growth and development; communicable and chronic diseases; medical terminology and abbreviations; body systems; legal and ethical topics; and socio-economic issues. Students explore diversity of career choices in the medical field.
Students will learn personal, consumer, and community health; safety; nutrition; individual growth and development; communicable and chronic diseases; medical terminology and abbreviations; body systems; legal and ethical topics; and socio-economic issues. Students explore diversity of career choices in the medical field.
This course explores the basic concepts of biotechnology that develop students’ scientific knowledge and skills used in the fields of forensic science, agriculture and human health. Students will apply their knowledge and skills to develop solutions to real-world problems related to these careers.
This course explores the basic concepts of biotechnology that develop students’ scientific knowledge and skills used in the fields of forensic science, agriculture and human health. Students will apply their knowledge and skills to develop solutions to real-world problems related to these careers.
This course introduces the student to the foundations of Home Economics Careers and Technology education (HECT): child development, clothing, foods and nutrition, consumer education, family living, housing and furnishing, and leadership development.
This course introduces the student to the foundations of Home Economics Careers and Technology education (HECT): child development, clothing, foods and nutrition, consumer education, family living, housing and furnishing, and leadership development.
Students will learn foundational cybersecurity topics, digital citizenship and cyber hygiene. Students will complete a culminating course project where they will create a public service announcement. This is not a coding intensive course, but rather students will learn the basics of protecting their own data and become aware of how cybersecurity is important for the information age in which we live.
Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory Computer Science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. The course is designed from the ground up to be an accessible and engaging course for all students, regardless of background or prior experience. Students will engage with culturally and personally relevant topics in a wide variety of computer science related fields.
Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory Computer Science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. The course is designed from the ground up to be an accessible and engaging course for all students, regardless of background or prior experience. Students will engage with culturally and personally relevant topics in a wide variety of computer science related fields.
Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory Computer Science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. The course is designed from the ground up to be an accessible and engaging course for all students, regardless of background or prior experience. Students will engage with culturally and personally relevant topics in a wide variety of computer science related fields.
Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory Computer Science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun. The course is designed from the ground up to be an accessible and engaging course for all students, regardless of background or prior experience. Students will engage with culturally and personally relevant topics in a wide variety of computer science related fields.
This course is designed to give students a working knowledge of the computer. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of basic keyboarding, operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation tasks, Internet, and computer peripherals.
This course is designed to give students a working knowledge of the computer. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of basic keyboarding, operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation tasks, Internet, and computer peripherals.
The Game-Based Learning with Minecraft Education Edition course educates students about relevant social-emotional learning, college and career readiness, civics, and global sustainability awareness that can help combat the effects of climate change. Using the game-based learning approach, students will engage with their learning in a way that is familiar to them and normally enjoyed outside of school.
The Game-Based Learning with Minecraft Education Edition course educates students about relevant social-emotional learning, college and career readiness, civics, and global sustainability awareness that can help combat the effects of climate change. Using the game-based learning approach, students will engage with their learning in a way that is familiar to them and normally enjoyed outside of school.
The Game-Based Learning with Minecraft Education Edition course educates students about relevant social-emotional learning, college and career readiness, civics, and global sustainability awareness that can help combat the effects of climate change. Using the game-based learning approach, students will engage with their learning in a way that is familiar to them and normally enjoyed outside of school.
The Game-Based Learning with Minecraft Education Edition course educates students about relevant social-emotional learning, college and career readiness, civics, and global sustainability awareness that can help combat the effects of climate change. Using the game-based learning approach, students will engage with their learning in a way that is familiar to them and normally enjoyed outside of school.
Exploring Entrepreneurship introduces students to the basic components of Entrepreneurship. It provides a foundation of Entrepreneurial terms and concepts which will give them real life business skills. Students are required to think critically and problem solve as navigate the various entrepreneurship topics such as Product Development, Financial Analysis, Marketing and SWOT Analysis and Cash Handling to complete a Written Business Plan and prepare for a "Business Expo." Students will gain an overview of life of a mini entrepreneur and will develop business skills which will help them to make an informed decision of which pathway to choose and how the learned skills will be of benefit to them in the "real world."
Exploring Entrepreneurship introduces students to the basic components of Entrepreneurship. It provides a foundation of Entrepreneurial terms and concepts which will give them real life business skills. Students are required to think critically and problem solve as navigate the various entrepreneurship topics such as Product Development, Financial Analysis, Marketing and SWOT Analysis and Cash Handling to complete a Written Business Plan and prepare for a "Business Expo." Students will gain an overview of life of a mini entrepreneur and will develop business skills which will help them to make an informed decision of which pathway to choose and how the learned skills will be of benefit to them in the "real world."
Career Exploration provides students the opportunity to learn their innate interests and abilities as it relates to their career choices. Through a selection of hands-on, project-based modules from a variety of industry sectors, the
students will learn about the tasks, technical skills/knowledge, overall work environment, education and salary ranges of potential careers. Using the knowledge gained of themselves and of the available career options, students will select a Career Pathway that leads him or her to their dream for life success.
Career Exploration provides students the opportunity to learn their innate interests and abilities as it relates to their career choices. Through a selection of hands-on, project-based modules from a variety of industry sectors, the
students will learn about the tasks, technical skills/knowledge, overall work environment, education and salary ranges of potential careers. Using the knowledge gained of themselves and of the available career options, students will select a Career Pathway that leads him or her to their dream for life success.
Career Exploration provides students the opportunity to learn their innate interests and abilities as it relates to their career choices. Through a selection of hands-on, project-based modules from a variety of industry sectors, the
students will learn about the tasks, technical skills/knowledge, overall work environment, education and salary ranges of potential careers. Using the knowledge gained of themselves and of the available career options, students will select a Career Pathway that leads him or her to their dream for life success.
Career Exploration provides students the opportunity to learn their innate interests and abilities as it relates to their career choices. Through a selection of hands-on, project-based modules from a variety of industry sectors, the
students will learn about the tasks, technical skills/knowledge, overall work environment, education and salary ranges of potential careers. Using the knowledge gained of themselves and of the available career options, students will select a Career Pathway that leads him or her to their dream for life success.
Students continue to explore the world of Digital Animation. Students delve deeper into individual drawing skills, the illusion of movement, and learning the basic mechanics of animation. The students continue to create short, digitally animated films. In addition, the history of animation, the 12 Principles of Animation, and storyboarding.
This is a hands-on TV studio production course. Students work together in a team as they are trained to operate a fully equipped professional digital TV studio and control room. Students receive rigorous broadcast training in camera operation, microphone set-up and audio engineering, lighting, floor directing, video switching, directing, and teleprompter operation. Students will begin producing daily live broadcasts. Students will rotate through various production roles and complete all tasks associated with producing a televised news show – planning, script writing, shooting, and editing.
This course is designed to provide a continuation into the ever-growing field of digital multimedia. The expected outcome, after completing this course, is to have students create a digital multimedia organization centered around online content creation. The focus of this course is for students to identify their interests within digital multimedia and esports. Once they identify their interest, they can create a digital multimedia organization as a class or small group.
This course is designed to provide a continuation into the ever-growing field of digital multimedia. The expected outcome, after completing this course, is to have students create a digital multimedia organization centered around online content creation. The focus of this course is for students to identify their interests within digital multimedia and esports. Once they identify their interest, they can create a digital multimedia organization as a class or small group.
This course is designed to provide a continuation into the ever-growing field of digital multimedia. The expected outcome, after completing this course, is to have students create a digital multimedia organization centered around online content creation. The focus of this course is for students to identify their interests within digital multimedia and esports. Once they identify their interest, they can create a digital multimedia organization as a class or small group.
This course is designed to provide a continuation into the ever-growing field of digital multimedia. The expected outcome, after completing this course, is to have students create a digital multimedia organization centered around online content creation. The focus of this course is for students to identify their interests within digital multimedia and esports. Once they identify their interest, they can create a digital multimedia organization as a class or small group.
Exploring Drone Technology, Advance Applications will re-acquaint students with aerodynamics. Students in this class will learn how drones are used in the real world and how to fly drones inside and outside of the classroom. Students will learn how to take drone pictures and drone video and use them in real world applications.
Exploring Drone Technology, Advance Applications will re-acquaint students with aerodynamics. Students in this class will learn how drones are used in the real world and how to fly drones inside and outside of the classroom. Students will learn how to take drone pictures and drone video and use them in real world applications.
Exploring Drone Technology, Advance Applications will re-acquaint students with aerodynamics. Students in this class will learn how drones are used in the real world and how to fly drones inside and outside of the classroom. Students will learn how to take drone pictures and drone video and use them in real world applications.
Students review and acquire additional skills in using hand and selected machine tools. The importance of care and safe operation of equipment is emphasized. The aspects of computer-controlled machines and career opportunities in the wood industry are explored.
Students review and acquire additional skills in using hand and selected machine tools. The importance of care and safe operation of equipment is emphasized. The aspects of computer-controlled machines and career opportunities in the wood industry are explored.
Students review and acquire additional skills in using hand and selected machine tools. The importance of care and safe operation of equipment is emphasized. The aspects of computer-controlled machines and career opportunities in the wood industry are explored.
This course emphasizes the same curricular objectives and areas as Drafting 1, but at an advanced level. Students develop greater skills in orthographic projection and isometric drawing, as well as architectural drawing, sectional drawing, auxiliary views, pattern development, and technical illustration. The aspects of computer-aided design and career opportunities in the drafting industry are explored. ($$)
This course explores the basic strands of Home Economics Careers and Technology (HECT): child development, clothing, consumer education, family living, foods and nutrition, housing and furnishing, and leadership development. This course is the foundation course for the following career pathways: Food Service and Hospitality, Child Development; Fashion Design and Merchandising.
This course explores the basic strands of Home Economics Careers and Technology (HECT): child development, clothing, consumer education, family living, foods and nutrition, housing and furnishing, and leadership development. This course is the foundation course for the following career pathways: Food Service and Hospitality, Child Development; Fashion Design and Merchandising.
This course explores the basic strands of Home Economics Careers and Technology (HECT): child development, clothing, consumer education, family living, foods and nutrition, housing and furnishing, and leadership development. This course is the foundation course for the following career pathways: Food Service and Hospitality, Child Development; Fashion Design and Merchandising.
Advanced Culinary Arts focuses on advanced skills and terminology used in meal management and food preparation. Students learn safety and sanitation, nutrition, cooking and baking principles, menu planning, food service operations, and food presentation / photography. Decision making, teamwork and consumer education will be emphasized. The course includes laboratory and academic preparation using food and prepares chefs to successfully plan and execute an authentic catering function.
Advanced Culinary Arts focuses on advanced skills and terminology used in meal management and food preparation. Students learn safety and sanitation, nutrition, cooking and baking principles, menu planning, food service operations, and food presentation / photography. Decision making, teamwork and consumer education will be emphasized. The course includes laboratory and academic preparation using food and prepares chefs to successfully plan and execute an authentic catering function.
Students will learn foundational cybersecurity topics, digital citizenship and cyber hygiene. Students will complete a culminating course project where they will create a public service announcement. This is not a coding intensive course, but rather students will learn the basics of protecting their own data and become aware of how cybersecurity is important for the information age in which we live.
Students will learn foundational cybersecurity topics, digital citizenship and cyber hygiene. Students will complete a culminating course project where they will create a public service announcement. This is not a coding intensive course, but rather students will learn the basics of protecting their own data and become aware of how cybersecurity is important for the information age in which we live.
Students will learn foundational cybersecurity topics, digital citizenship and cyber hygiene. Students will complete a culminating course project where they will create a public service announcement. This is not a coding intensive course, but rather students will learn the basics of protecting their own data and become aware of how cybersecurity is important for the information age in which we live.